Top Of My Head

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well, people, this is it. Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!! After 13 1/2 years of being together that includes 8 years of being a married couple in the eyes of God, family and friends, Cheryl and I will be getting domesticated! I'm not sure what to call it. Anyway, domestic partnership here we come. At 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, we will be at the Courthouse with my parents and two of our friends - Jerri and Preston - and we'll be signing the papers.

Yep, after all this time together, Cheryl is finally going to domesticate me. I guess this means that I'll be housebroken! LOL!

Seriously, it reinforces our love and commitment to each other, it gives us some legal protections and it helps us to stand up and be counted in the number of domesticated gay relationships.

Now, I called the courthouse on Friday and it turns out that there is a five day waiting period, so we'll have to go back to register the paperwork. Five day waiting period? She's had 13 years to change her mind and she's still here, whats another five days?

God Bless

I was going to post a picture from our wedding day, but I can't find it and my scanner is no longer functioning, so here's a picture of us from a few years ago.

Isn't Cheryl the prettiest gal around?

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