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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Show Your Support...

Xerox is sending printed cards of thanks to our troops in Iraq.  No matter how you may feel about this war, supporting our troops should be our #1 priority.

Please take a moment to pick out a card and send it to a soldier serving our country so far away from home.

From the Lets say thanks website:

"The mission of Let's Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. troops stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you have the opportunity to send a free personalized postcard greeting to deployed servicemen and women.

The postcards, depicting patriotic scenes and hometown images, were selected from a pool of entries from children across the country.

All you have to do is click on your favorite design and either select the message that best expresses your sentiment or draft a personal note. The postcards are then printed on the Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press and mailed in care packages by military support organization Give2TheTroops®.

Xerox is committed to helping people across the nation express their gratitude to our troops overseas. The launch of this program is aimed at reminding them how much Americans appreciate their service."

God Bless

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Taxes -- Think you pay enough now, wait...

If the richest tycoons on Wall Street get their way, you'll face a significant tax hike this year so they can buy another tropical island. Sound fair?

Here's the deal: An obscure provision called the "alternative minimum tax" is going to end up raising taxes for tens of millions of middle-class households—maybe even yours—unless Congress acts quickly.

Democrats want to cancel this tax increase for the middle class—and pay for the shortfall by closing a massive new loophole that's allowing the richest investors on Wall Street to pay lower tax rates than you or I do.

I signed a petition urging Congress to close this tax loophole. Can you add your name to the petition at this link?

To see how much more you'll pay, try the calculator.  My personal taxes will go up nearly $2000.00!


God Bless

Monday, November 05, 2007

The pot calling the kettle black...

Hello, Kettle, it's me, Pot!

Is the President joking about democracy?  According to, "President Bush on Monday urged Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf to sever his links with the military and reinstate civilian rule. Bush said he recognized the threat Musharraf faces from extremists but said the emergency measures 'undermine democracy.' "

President Bush is just being funny, right?  I mean, he's used terrorist threats as a reason to wiretap US citizens without a warrant.  He's suspended our rights (with help from Congress) via the Patriot Act, but he thinks someone else reacting to a threat undermines democracy?  I'm confused.

No matter how you take away a person's rights, you undermine democracy.  It doesn't matter if you're the President of Pakistan or the President of the United States -- democracy suffers.

It's just sadder when the country who is the most democratic does it.

God Bless

Nothing like taking your sweet time...

Back in 1950, Corporal Clem Boody was listed as missing in action.  In 1953, he was presumed dead.  In 1954, his family was notified that he had been awarded the Purple Heart posthumously.  Finally, his family has received the medal.

Why in the world does it take this long to award a medal to a serviceman's family?  Haven't they suffered enough?

It's just a shame how we treat our veterans and their families in this country.  We collectively ask a lot of our servicemen and women, but we sure don't give a lot back -- and when we do, we take our sweet time.

God Bless


Here's the copy of the article from

DES MOINES, Iowa (CNN) – At a campaign stop in Des Moines Monday, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson presented a Purple Heart medal to the niece of Corporal Clem Boody, who was listed as Missing in Action while serving in North Korea in 1950.

Richardson said Boody's niece told him the family was notified back in 1954 that Boody had been posthumously awarded a Purple Heart but that the family had never received it.

"I'm very proud to say that the plea made by the family of Corporal Boody has been answered."

Richardson thanked a member of his staff who, he said, was vital in securing the award.

Boody was presumed dead in 1953, but it wasn't until 2007 that his remains were identified.

The Democratic presidential candidate said he'd been negotiating with the North Koreans "for many years" to collect the remains of nearly 8100 servicemen from the Korean War but that he didn't want to turn that part of the story into political exploitation.

"I also realized at the time that I was a candidate for president," Richardson said, "and that it was important that an event like this, the return of remains, should not be politicized."


McDonald's on Lathrop & 21st...

I'm sure I'm setting myself up for some sort of ridicule, but this really bugged me.  If you were in the new McDonald's on Lathrop & 21st in Racine last Friday night, you saw what happened.

I saw a sign that the McRibs were back.  Now, these happen to be my favorite McDonald sandwich and I wanted one for dinner.  Last Friday night, Cheryl and I walked over to the McDonald's and place our order. 

When we walk up, there's five employees standing around staring at the floor, like it's doing tricks or something.  It takes five minutes for one of them to notice that they have customers, even though we're the only ones standing there.

Then, we place our order as a here order.  You know, so no bagging our stuff.  We're going to eat in the resturant.  Well, it feels like it takes forever for three sandwiches, two fries and two apple pies.  They don't have to get our drinks, since we ordered sodas and served ourselves.  Cheryl goes and finds a booth, while I wait for our order.  Another lady walked up and it took another five minutes for someone to notice her.  I know because I was still standing there waiting for my order.  

When I get the order, the gal puts it in two bags.  I said to her that this wasn't a to go order and her answer:  "It doesn't matter."  Yes, it does matter.  I ordered an order that doesn't require bags and you've just wasted two.  It's obvious to me that this kid doesn't care if she does a good job or not.

When I get the order to the table, there's no sauce on the McRib.  Now, I know it's not going to look like the picture, but they could make an effort to come close.  Nope, not this McDonald's.

Well, it was a bad work week and since I'm all ready mad at this McDonald's for the last order screw up, I just lost it.  But, I didn't swear.  I get no apology, just three "new" sandwiches.

So, if you live in Racine, steer clear of that McDonald's.  It looks pretty, but the service is awful.

God Bless


Sunday, November 04, 2007

Alex Talks

The boys were here last weekend to celebrate Halloween. We took them to the Milwaukee Public Museum, which is becoming a tradition. Anyway, while they were here, Alex was quite the talker, so I'm posting this video of him saying my dad's name.

Hope you enjoy!

God Bless

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy B-Day!

Just want to send a big birthday wish to my favorite son-in-law, Dustin!

Happy Birthday, Dustin!


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another NewsMax Email

In my email this morning, amid the startling email that 52% of Americans support an attack on Iran (with what troops, what money, and how when we're fighting wars in Afganistan and Iraq?), I find a headline:

Iran War Danger Creates Huge Investment Opportunities

Well, isn't that just peachy?  Let's start a war and watch the rich get richer.  The "breaking news" email from goes on to say the following (and I quote):

Here is what I expect if the U.S. continues on the path to war with Iran:

  • Oil will go over $100 a barrel in the next few months, and over $120 by this coming spring. Gasoline will go over $5 a gallon nationwide.
  • Gold will be $840-$860 an ounce by spring. (It is currently at about $765.) Silver will be over $16 an ounce.
  • The dollar will continue to plunge against strong foreign currencies, like the Australian and Canadian dollar. Besides rising commodity prices, a big reason for the continuing dollar plunge is continuing U.S. monetary inflation, which is the only realistic way the administration has to pay for ever-increasing war spending.
  • Interest rates will increase substantially and loans will be harder to get.
  • Recession in the U.S. by next summer is highly likely.
  • If a shooting war actually breaks out with Iran, look for oil to quickly go over $150 a barrel ($8 gasoline), and gold over $1,000 an ounce.

Fortunately, there is some good news, for investors who are aware of these likely developments:

The good news is that "a falling dollar and sharply rising oil, foreign currency and gold prices, mean big profits for investors who put money in these sectors."

Well, bully for them.  Let's start a war with Iraq so that investors can make huge profits.  There's a reason to go to war.

We have real problems that need to be addressed in this country and on our own soil.  We have a huge National Debt we should be addressing.  And, this thought just occurred to me:  in an ownership society, how do we justify a huge National Debt?  Where's the ownership there?

Before we bomb Iran and commit our overworked troops to yet another war, let's stop and think about this.  We have to be prepared for the long haul and if Iraq has taught us anything, Americans are not truly ready for the long haul.  We want to get in, get the job done and get out.  We're not prepared to support our troops in remaining on foreign soil for this long.  We all ready haven't provided them with the tools they need to get the job done.  How can we possibly commit them to yet another war?

God Bless our troops, if we bomb Iraq, they're going to need all the help He can provide.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Gullible Wisconsin Government Employees

A co-worker of mine forwarded me an email about a Budweiser delivery man who pulled product off the shelves of a store owned by Arabs who were seen celebrating the attacks on 9/11.  She asked me to check the story out to find out if it was true or not.

So, I went to Break the Chain and checked it out.  The story is pure fiction -- that means not true for those who get fiction and non-fiction confused.  Click here to read the story.  Anyway, since I read the forwarded email, I noticed the email accounts of everyone who received it, as well as the person who forwarded it along.

What I found most disturbing was the fact that one of the people who forwarded the story -- which means he didn't check the facts of the story -- has a email address. 

Is this what we pay our government staff to do -- forward emails that are false and full of hate?  Maybe, I'm naive, but I would think that government employees would have enough sense to NOT forward an email that is intended to be serious without checking the facts. 

If I had received a joke or a prayer request from the same person, I wouldn't be upset.  I know everyone needs a good laugh or prayers everyday, but this one was just totally offensive.  Worse than that, he sent it to a ton of other government employees.  I wonder just how many decided to forward this on without any thought.

Just a small piece of advice:  Before you forward that email, make sure it's actually true.  Also, remember that someone you don't know, will end up on the chain and might blog about you.

(BTW, I have chosen NOT to put the employee's name and email address in this post, but next time, I might not be so nice.)

God Bless


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dani Marie: New Restaurant in Racine

Last night, Cheryl and I decided to treat ourselves and go out to eat. We decided to try the new restaurant, Dani Marie, that just opened on Washington Avenue -- next to Images. Well, it was wonderful. The food was awesome and you have to try their fresh baked bread and bread sticks. The restaurant has finally -- after numerous incarnations as Olivia's -- been redesigned giving it a nice atmosphere. There were a couple of hangups, like the background music kept playing the same song for a little while and they didn't have enough menus, but those are things I'm willing to overlook at a brand new restaurant. The service was good. The food is freshly made, so this is not a place to go if you're looking for a fast meal. This is the kind of place where you sit back, relax and enjoy a good meal.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Healthcare, kids and the Republicans

Yesterday, the Republicans said no to healthcare for needy children.  Today, I read the poll results that 8 out of 10 Americans support this program.

Now, you can't get 8 out of 10 Americans to agree on what to eat for dinner, when 8 out of 10 of us agree on a healthcare program for children, shouldn't Congress agree with us?

Let me make a comparison...

Back when the anti-gay amendment was being thrown around the Wisconsin Legistlature, I was told by my state senator (who was Cathy Stepp) that we should leave it to the voters.  It was up to us Wisconsinites on whether or not this should become a Wisconsin State Amendment.  It's all about the voters.

Well, the voters want this, so why isn't Congress -- and by Congress I mean the REPUBLICANS -- overriding Bush's veto?

I guess because they really don't care about what 8 out of 10 Americans care about.

God Bless

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The House has failed to override President Bush's veto of a bill expanding a children's health insurance program.

And hope dies for 4 million needy children.

Way to go, Congress.

God Bless those children  Hopefully, He'll do a better job than we have.

Where have all the Conservatives gone?

When I was a kid, being a conservative -- and, by extension, a Republican -- meant that you supported lower taxes, more fiscal responsiblity, less government interference in business and less government interference in individual lives.

What happened to that?

Now, it seems as if the conservative party has become strong armed by the so-called right-wing Christians, who want all of us to be Christians, not be gay and don't care how much money the government spends -- as long as it is corporate welfare and not on social needs.

How did this happen?

I saw a news report where James Dobson -- the head of Focus on Family -- is going to have his group shop for a new Presidential candidate if the Republican party doesn't back the anti-gay amendment that his group thinks this country needs.

Hasn't this mess gone too far?  When will we stop worrying about someone else getting something we don't think they should have?  And, when willl the conservatives and Republicans get back to their roots?

I miss them.

God Bless.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Don't believe Ann's Lies...

The truth about Ann Coulter is finally coming out. She hates Jews -- and anyone else who is not a Christian.

I heard her remark: "Jews are going to be perfected. " After a break and she was confronted, she changed her earlier remark to "I don't think you should take it that way, but that is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews. "

Coulter is claiming that her statement was misquoted:

"Let's rewrite the NJDC statement to refer to what I actually said: 'How does someone who says it would be better if everyone were a Christian or practicing Jew continue to receive a megaphone and platform from the news networks? When will the media say 'enough is enough'? "

She didn't say that. I heard what she said with my own two ears. I was so stunned by it that I rewound it and played it again.

By the way, I am a Christian and I don't consider myself a perfected Jew.

God Bless us EVERYONE

Ellen and the Dog

I wasn't going to weigh in on this issue that Ellen is having because she gave her adopted dog to her hairdresser, because I understand both sides of the issue.  Ellen signed an agreement that she would notify the Mutts and Moms adoption group if she couldn't keep him.  I understand that agreement and I do agree with it.

What I don't agree with is the Mutts and Moms group deciding that the hairdressers home isn't fit for Iggy.  They have a rule that small dogs cannot be adopted into families that have children under 14.  While as a general rule that's a good idea for the protection of the dog, in this case, the children are 11 and 12 -- ages that know how to treat an animal.  The group should check out the situation in the home and then decide if Iggy can go back or not.  They shouldn't just say no without at least inspecting the home.

Further, I have an American Eskimo Dog -- he's considered small.  I, also, have two rambunctious two year old grandsons.  There's never been a problem between the three.  Have Danny and Alex been a little rough with Skywalker?  Sure, but Sky's the type of dog that takes it in stride.  The closest thing to an issue that we've had was the day Danny smacked Sky across the face and Sky reacted by knocking Danny to the floor and then walking away.  Danny learned not to hit Sky and Sky showed his amazing restraint by walking away from the situation.  I don't think Ellen's hairdresser would come close to having this kind of an issue with Iggy, since her girls are much older than 2.

Rather than have a broad rule banning kids under 14 from having small dogs, the group should weigh this on a case by case basis.

(BTW, in the case of Danny and Sky, the two are best of friends.  Danny grabs Sky by the tail and Sky leads him around the house in this follow the leader game the two of them enjoy.  Many kisses have been exhanged between the two.)

God Bless

Friday, October 12, 2007

Computer Update...

Well, Best Buy called yesterday with good news and bad news.  The good news is that my screen has been repaired, my laptop is fine and they cleaned out the fans -- all of which is covered under my warranty, which expires this month.  The bad news is that the blue screen of death which I received is NOT a hardware issue (if you had seen the error message, you would've thought it was a bad harddrive).  But, they can reinstall Windows for $129.00 or I can contact Gateway and purchase a restore CD and wait 6 to 8 weeks for it to get here.

I opted for the former and should have my laptop back on Saturday.  Why can I only keep a laptop running for 3 years?

Oh, well, a new laptop is not in the cards until next summer, so hopefully, this one will keep chugging along until then.

The good news for you, dear readers, is that I'll be able to update the site to look a little better AND I'll be able to write early morning posts!  Yea!

God Bless

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bad Link in Last Post...

Ah, computer problems -- gotta love them.

I discovered that the link is bad in the last post for St. Richard's Sweetest Day Pasta dinner.  Go to the Church's website and click on the Fund Raising link for more information.

Sorry about that.  I can post from work, but can't fix any bad posts!  Go figure!

God Bless

Blog Update...

In case you haven't noticed, I've been pretty quiet the last few days.  One of the reasons is that my home pc is down.  It's in the shop getting fixed.  (I seem to only be able to keep a laptop alive for three years.)  I should have it back some time next week. (I hope)

Another is that due to the laptop being down and being extremely busy at work, I haven't had any time to keep up with the news.  I've read some articles in US News and World Report, Newsweek and Vanity Fair, but I'll think of a blog post and lose it out of my mind by the time I am able to write it!


Although, I'd like to make mention of just a couple of things:

  1. I really liked Princess Diana and mourned her death, like a lot of people.  However; can't we just let her rest in peace?  Does the new inquiry into her death have to be front page news?  Do I have to see the pictures of the car she was in?  I wonder just how this affects her sons, who were young boys when it happened and have to relive it now that they are grown men.
  2. What's up with all this Britney coverage?  Aren't there more important things going on in the world?  Should she have her kids, should she not?  Frankly, I no longer care and I can't believe anyone else does either.
  3. Angie and Brad -- can't these two be left in peace?  Did they break up?  Did they get back together?  Is Brad talking to Jennifer?  I DON'T CARE!  Why are they pictures staring out at me at every checkout?!?
  4. How does a 20 year old in Wisconsin get to be a police officer?  I know Illinois has the age limit of 21, why doesn't Wisconsin?  And, why wouldn't a police officer have to go through a psychological exam?  Do we just give anyone a gun and a badge and say go to it?

That's all for now...

Wait, one last item...St. Richard's Catholic Church in Racine is holding a pasta dinner on Oct. 20th.  If you live in or near Racine, you should try to attend.  It'll be a nice evening.

God Bless

Friday, October 05, 2007

Republicans - Fair weather friends?

Senator Craig has decided to stay in office and serve out his term.  He pled guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct, so what's the big deal if he stays?

According to the Republicans, he's putting the Idaho Senator spot in a bad place ie, a place where it could be taken by a Democrat.


If the people from Idaho elected a Republican then, most likely, they'll elect a Republican again.  I don't foresee them changing their minds.  But, if the bigshots in the party don't stand behind Senator Craig, they might not see a Republican in that Senate seat.

Now, I'm not too keen on Senator Craig sticking around, but it is his choice, not mine.  But, while I understand on one level -- as I've written before -- as to why the Republicans won't Stand By Their Man, I think it's a pretty crappy idea.

Let Senator Craig do what he has to do.  A misdemeanor is no more serious than a speeding ticket for Pete's sake!  If this was a felony crime, then we should be calling for his ouster, but it's a misdemeanor!  Let him stay and stand up and say, "He's my friend and colleague and I support his decisions."

But, that'll never happen, Republicans aren't going to risk their own welfare to stand up for one of their own.

I'm sure the Democrats wouldn't do it either.  No one has any balls anymore, do they?

God Bless

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Rush Insults Troops

I'm constantly reading stories about some liberal who is being called on the carpet for insulting our troops.  Yet, the biggest conservative in the country (Rush Limbaugh) can refer to our troops who do not support the War in Iraq as "phony soldiers" on September 26 and I don't see anything about on CNN.  (Admittedly, my pc at home is shot, so I might've missed something.)

We need to tell this blowhard to shut his non-serving, 4F mouth when it comes to the troops.

Everyday, our service men and women risk their lives so I can sit in my armchair and exercise my right to free speech.  They deserve our praise, support and our applause, not insults and scorn.

I'm a military brat and I take great pride in my retired Navy father (who fought in 'Nam) and my late, Army serving grandfather (who landed at Normandy).

I do believe in Rush having free speech, but sometimes free speech goes too far -- and just as you can't yell fire in a crowded movie theatre, you shouldn't be allowed to insult our troops.  The men and women who serve our country deserve our respect and should not be insulted because they exercise their right to free speech.

No matter which side of the issue you're on.

God Bless


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Guess Bush doesn't really mean No Child Left Behind...

President Bush has vetoed a bipartisan bill that will allow another four million children to have health insurance.  It would be funded by a higher federal tax on cigarettes (which I think would kill it eventually, since smokers die at a high rate).  It would only cost -- if my math is correct -- $8750.00 per child, which is around the same cost as most insurance paid by employers.

Aren't our children worth $8750 a year?

Apparently, Bush doesn't think so.

Well, what can you expect a lot of low paying employers feel the same way.

God Bless

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

What's wrong with this picture?

Mr. Zielinkski used to run a junkyard on his property.  Then, Oak Creek became a city and refused to give him a business license -- even though he had run the salvage yard on the property years before Oak Creek was a city.  Then the city cleaned up the salvage yard essentially putting a small business man out of work.

The topper to this story is the city is trying to get a court order to make Mr. Zielinski to pay for the cleanup effort.

Is this America or a dictatorship?  Where is this man suppose to get $156,000?

(Read the story in here.)

Now, the city -- if they get his land -- can have a pretty hefty payoff.  The 4.5 acres are surrounded by expensive subdivisions. 

Where's the grandfather clause?  And, why are they picking on a man who served in the Army and has a third grade education?

Judge David Hansher is now charged with the task of deciding if he should reopen the case.  I think he should.  The law should protect everyone equally and not put a man out of business and take his very last dime.

God Bless

Monday, October 01, 2007

I want my Constitutional Rights BACK -- Please

I don't know about you, but I want the Constitution restored -- completely.  I don't want illegal wiretaps, I don't want the government being able to listen in on my phone calls at their whim.  I want our fourth amendment rights put back in place.  That's why I'm just forwarding on this email I received from the ACLU.

If you're for the government wiretapping without a warrant, I want you to stop and think about this:

If you'll let Bush listen in, would you have wanted Clinton listening in as well?  If the answer is no, then you can't allow our Fourth Amendment rights to be taken away by this legislation.  Our government should always have to seek a warrant for searches and wiretaps period.

God Bless and, please, read on:

Dear Friend,

Fix it. Defend the Constitution! That's the message we have to send to Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid and every member of Congress over the next 20 days.

By all indications, the House and Senate will cast critical votes within three weeks — deciding whether or not to make the vast new spying powers that they granted the Bush Administration in August permanent.

We can't let that happen. That's why we're starting the FISA Flood of 2007 with today's leadership switchboard shutdown. All our members of Congress but especially leadership — who control the agenda and whose actions impact us all — need to know just how many Americans demand they act to restore the Constitution.  Here's three things you can do, right now:

1. Call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at (202) 225-4965.

2. Call Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at (202) 224-3542.

3. Call your own representative. You can look up your representative's phone number here.

It's clear what freedom demands. And this is what we need every Member of Congress to hear:

  • Congress should not act on FISA until the Bush administration hands over the documents about the NSA wiretapping program. 
  • Any legislation to permanently amend FISA must restore judicial review and protect the privacy rights of innocent Americans.
  • The government should receive only the information it is authorized to intercept by law, it should not be given direct and unfettered access to telecommunications infrastructure.
  • And the legislation must not grant amnesty to telecom companies that broke the law by illegally releasing Americans' phone calls and records to the government.

Call right now as we launch the FISA Flood of 2007 — a monumental outpouring of grassroots energy. Demand that Congress stand strong by standing up for the Constitution, not caving in to the Bush Administration.

When Congress caved in to Bush fear-mongering by passing FISA legislation temporarily allowing the government to intercept the calls and emails of innocent Americans without a court order, there was a massive outcry from freedom-loving people across the country. Reeling from the backlash, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi promised to "fix" the legislation on their return this fall.

Now, as critical new votes approach, we've got to make it absolutely clear to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and every member of Congress that fixing — not expanding — this ill-begotten law is exactly what we expect and demand.

Call right now: Join the the FISA Flood of 2007.

Earlier this week, the ACLU launched Don't Wait for '08 — a 100-day campaign urging Congress to act now to restore liberties lost during the relentless Bush assault on our civil liberties. Now, it seems apparent that the first 20 days of that campaign leading up to "make-or-break" FISA votes in mid-October could well be the most critical.

Given this Congress' track record, we can't leave anything to chance. In the days ahead, The FISA Flood of 2007 will unleash wave after wave of grassroots actions making it clear that we won't tolerate waffling, wavering or wimping out when our fundamental freedoms are on the line.

We've got to make ourselves heard. Let our members of Congress know: if they stand tall for freedom, we will stand with them through thick and thin. And make sure they understand that, if they sell out the Constitution, we will unleash a wave of public protests and outrage unlike anything they have ever seen.

Make three phone calls for the Constitution right now.

Next, record your participation in our FISA Flood of 2007 tally. And then, forward this message to as many people as possible.

The ACLU is reaching out not only to our 550,000 ACLU members, but to every online activist who cares about protecting our most cherished freedoms. We need you to act immediately.

Help launch the FISA Flood of 2007 right now. Be part of a dramatic and sustained outpouring of concern that won't yield until Congress has acted to protect the Constitution and reverse the civil liberties travesty that Congress perpetrated on the American people by granting President Bush vast new spying powers.

Thanks for standing with us.


Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU
Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office

P.S.  Help build the first powerful wave of the FISA Flood of 2007. Make your three phone calls for the Constitution right now. Next, record your participation in our FISA Flood of 2007 tally. And then, forward this message to as many people as possible.

© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Country Music Redux...

Way back in June, I posted a list of ten Country music songs you had to know in order to be considered a true country music fan.  After one comment and a couple of emails – and a lot of soul searching – I've decided to explain the list to twenty songs you should know and be able to sing along (even if it isn't well) when you hear them on a jukebox.  Here's the updated list:


  1. Crazy
  2. He Stopped Loving Her Today
  3. Walk the Line
  4. The Devil Went Down to Georgia
  5. Originally, I said anything by Hank, Sr., but I'm changing it to Hey Good Lookin'
  6. The Dance
  7. Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys
  8. Stand by You Man
  9. You ain't Woman Enough to Take my man
  10. I was Country Before Country Was Cool
  11. Kiss an Angel Good Morning
  12. A Good Hearted Woman
  13. Your Cheatin' Heart (I actually love Elvis' version best)
  14. My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
  15. Highway Man
  16. Hello Darlin
  17. Mama Tried
  18. God Bless the USA
  19. Only In America
  20. A Country Boy Can Survive


I'm waiting to hear from all of you for your selections…


God Bless


Sunday, September 23, 2007


Yesterday, my brother was on a roll about how Bush isn't at fault with his response to the people of Louisiana after Katrina. Then, he said, "Senator Craig would still have his job, if he were a Democrat." He went on to mention that Clinton had sex in the Oval office and kept his job.

He missed the point entirely. Craig did not lose his job for having sex. He lost his job because he approached an undercover officer for sex in a mens room at an airport. Further, Craig has publicly supported anti-gay legislation and when you've done that, you don't want to get caught trying to have sex with a man in an airport bathroom. It isn't the sex itself, it's the fact that Senator Craig is a hypocrite.

Then, my cool headed brother ranted and raved that Craig's fellow Republicans have deserted him and they should've stood by him. All right and what would they gain with that?

Fred Thompson is against an anti-gay marriage amendment. He wants one that would prevent one state from imposing its laws on another state. The Religious Right have gone shopping for another candidate because they want true anti-gay legislation and this isn't it. (I'll rant about the amendment Mr. Thompson is proposing on another day.)

Republican candidates believe - and probably rightly so - that they can't get elected without the support of the Religious Wrongs. This is one of the reasons I don't vote for Republican Candidates, I can't stand their pandering to the Religious Wrongs. So, what would make my brother thing that Republicans will stand up for Craig? And, why should they take a risk of offending the Religious Wrongs and lose their own jobs for a hypocrite like Craig?

Now, Craig probably shouldn't have lost his job until he was convicted -- rather if he is convicted. We still have innocent until proven guilty in this country. On the other hand, maybe he shouldn't have tapped the right foot of the person in the next stall in the first place. Maybe, if he has gay tendencies, he shouldn't have voted against gay rights and he could be living his life openly and wouldn't have to look for sex in bathrooms in the first place.

But, then he would have integrity and that's something we seem to have lost in this country a long time ago.

God Bless

Friday, September 21, 2007

Reading List...

Here's what I'm currently reading, you might find the listed books interesting...Some are for work and the others are for fun.  I'm sure you can figure out which is which.


God answers Lawsuit -- He Doesn't sound happy

State Senator Ernie Chambers -- a state legislator from Nebraska -- has filed suit against God in the County District Court in Omaha, Nebaska.  (read story here). God doesn't has decided that He shouldn't answer to our courts and that they have no jurisdiction over Him.

I tend to agree with God.  Senator Chambers is "blaming God for human oppression and suffering".  God contends that He gave us free will.  Again, I agree with God.  Man is to blame for our own oppression and suffering.  We can choose to help the helpless or we can stand idly by and let them suffer.  It's our own free will that controls how we act.  If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

What a country we live in!

God Bless

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Some people just can't be happy...

Check this link:,23599,22439270-2,00.html.  Apparently, a lesbian couple are being ungrateful because they ended up having two babies instead of just one.  They claim that they told the doctor to only implant one embroyo, the doctor implanted two and now they have one baby too many.

First, I'd like to call them the most ungrateful bitches on the planet.  There are a lot of people in this world who can't even have one baby.

Second, what the hell are they thinking? Some people don't even think lesbians (or gay men) should even be parents, so why make us all look bad by suing?  I'm sure that at sometime today, I will be called upon to defend these two jerks and there is no defense for it.  I hope the court kicks the case out.

Third, if they don't want the extra kid, I'll take the baby and raise it as my own.

There have been a lot of things going on lately and I meant to write about them, but I didn't get the chance.  This article caught my eye and I just couldn't remain silent.

God Bless

Friday, August 31, 2007

Same Sex Marriage Legal - In Iowa?

Judge Robert Hanson struck down an Iowa law that declared marriage off limits for same sex couples.  According to CNN, Judge Hanson ruled that same-sex couples can marry based on the state constitution's guarantee of equal treatment.

Man, I hope that guy was appointed to his seat and not elected.  If he was elected, he won't be an Iowa judge for much longer.

Then again, I'll bet people in California would have never guessed that Wisconsin would be the first state to make it illegal to deny housing and jobs to gays, so maybe the people of Iowa will rise up and take a stand on the right side of the issue.  (In case you have been following, the right side of the issue would be to be for gay marriage.)

The Polk County Attorney, John Sarcone, will be asking for a stay and he will be appealling.

I never thought a lawyer wouldn't support civil rights, but then I don't know that many lawyers.

I, also, don't know that many people in Iowa.  My sister-in-law is from there and I've ordered a signed print from a gallery there -- the man that sold it to me was very nice -- but I don't know much else.

God Bless Iowa and Judge Robert Hanson!

And, while He's at it, God Bless the rest of us, too.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Here's an interesting tidbit...

Reading in this nation has been falling off for quite sometime -- even in the face of the Harry Potter phonenom. According to an article on, one in four people didn't read a single book last year. The average number of books read was four books.

Being a book lover, I wonder about someone who has only read four books in a year. If the books are romance or fiction, the number seems too small. If the books are nonfiction, then that seems a little more likely, since those are generally larger and become slower reads.

According to the article, people in the South read more than other regions of the country. However; Democrats and Liberals read more than Republicans and Conservatives. That is something I found very interesting. First, I thought most of the South was made up of Conservatives, so how do Liberals come out on top? Second, it makes sense that Liberals read more than Conservatives. There has been an anti-intellectual "movement" (for lack of a better term) in this country for years.

Let's explore that.

Since when has it ever been a bad thing to be smart? Since when has discussions of philosphy, religion and politics ever hurt? It seems as if people don't want to be smart. That might explain some of the book reading dropoff -- although, I think 160 cable channels and video games need to shoulder some of the blame.
Well, I guess it really don't make me no never mind if the rest of the country doesn't enjoy reading as much as I do. Currently, I'm reading one book on CD, another book at home, one that I read at lunch and one that stays in the car for when I have to wait.  I keep my local library humming with activity.

Feel free to join me.

God Bless

A few of books I've been reading...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Crap Email

As you may or may not know, I have subscribed to's email service. I did this to read the "conservative" side of the news. I write conservative in quotes because I think the makers of are just playing into people's fears and not really reporting news.

Anyway, I received one more email from them that stated: "Urgent - You Need to Read This". Thinking that this might be a notification that their email list was compromised or something big has happened in the news and I missed it, I opened the email. Here's what I saw:

From "" <>
Sent Thursday, August 23, 2007 2:58 pm
Subject Urgent - You Need to Read This

Dear NewsMax Reader:

Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Early to Rise. They have some important information to share with you.

Thank you.


Dear NewsMax Reader:,

We almost had a rebellion on our hands and thankfully I just put the fire out. You see, I recently sent you an invitation to join a profit-party like none other and WE HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THE RESPONSE. It was overwhelming. And we ran out of places too fast...

Many were disappointed as those golden gates closed. Perhaps you were one of them?

That's why I had to plead to have more places released (I actually wondered if I would start getting hate-mail otherwise!). So what's all the fuss about...?

Well, once in a blue moon, you have a revelation. Something which makes you kick yourself and ask: "I can't believe I've been so blind! How could I have missed this?"

I'm talking about a whole new trading ball-game here... if you're interested in setting up an AUTOMATED extra few grand a month in your spare time, this will undoubtedly be the most important report you read.

So you think this might be about trading shares or commodities? Think again! You're about to walk into a whole new investment world; the LARGEST and most amazingly uncomplicated trading on the planet!

A mountain of solid-gold has passed us by for a long time... but not anymore!

This Insider slapped a brown paper envelope on my desk- a highly confidential report. I read... and realized I was about to make a select number of my subscribers the proposition of a lifetime... so here I am.

I must warn you though, what you're about to read is... well, a little stirring. Just remember though, it's ENTIRELY legal (or I wouldn't be mentioning it to you!) and completely factual.

Just click here.

It'll only take a few minutes to read, but I assure you, it's like nothing you've ever read!


Patrick Coffey
NewsMax Reader

This e-mail was sent by:
4152 West Blue Heron Blvd, Ste 1114
Riviera Beach, FL, 33404 USA


Now, I added the italics, just so you knew what was mine and what was sent.  I, also, removed the blah, blah, email sent with permission from the bottom, the rest is the actual email, minus my personal email address.

There's a link, which I've disabled.  The link leads to a site that promises great wealth if you buy their CDs.  This isn't news and it certainly shouldn't have been sent with a Urgent notice on it.  When I sign up for Newsletters, I realize a certain amount of spam will come along, but this is just ridiculous!

God Bless

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Question...

I was watching the last part of "The American President" yesterday and it got me to thinking.

Why is it that belonging to the NRA is considered being a conservative, yet, if you belong to the ACLU, you're a liberal?

Our founding fathers put freedom of religion, speech and the right to assemble as our number one amendment.  In all our rights as Americans, this one came first.  The ACLU works tirelessly to defend the First Amendment.  As Americans, we should all support their efforts -- in theory, as I don't believe we should just mindlessly follow any group.  Have I agreed with the ACLU always?  No, I haven't, but I know that they work to protect my right to disagee.

Our Second Amendment is the right to bear arms in order to form a militia.  Now, I don't see the need for a citizen militia, as we have the National Guard, as well as our Military, but I don't think any lawabiding citizen should not be allowed the right to own a weapon.  The NRA works tirelessly to defend the Second Amendment.  As Americans, we should all support their efforts, just like we should support the ACLU.

Now, I used to be a member of the NRA, as I believe I've mentioned before.  I dropped my membership when I believe the NRA went a bit too far in their zeal to protect the Second Amendment by supporting armor piercing bullets.  Just like I don't think one should be allowed to yell FIRE in a crowded theatre (unless there really is a fire), I don't think one should be allowed to own Armor piercing bullets.

But, I don't think this is a conservative issue, nor is it a liberal issue.  Defending our Constitutional rights is an American issue.  We should get involved to ensure that illegal wiretapping isn't done by our government.  We should ensure that our right to bear arms is not removed.  We should ensure that our right to agree or disagree with our government is protected. 

So, I don't understand why these two groups have become so polairized that they are considered one side or the other.

I once had a conversation with a current member of the NRA, who hated the ACLU.  I found that humorous, for without the First Amendment (and those who work to protect it), the NRA itself could be outlawed.  Which is to say, without the "liberal" group, the "conservative" group might not exist.  Doesn't that mean that in the large picture, we all need each other?  I think so.

So, if you're a member of the ACLU, thank a member of the NRA (my mother always taught me that one reason no one has invaded us is because we have the guns to defend our homes).  And, if you're a member of the NRA, thank a member of the ACLU.

I'll say a little prayer for both groups.

God Bless.



Cole Porter 

Friday, August 17, 2007

Guest Column: Karl Rove


Karl Rove: Democratic Secret Weapon


Karl Rove gave the Republican Party the political equivalent of the credit card teaser rate! It sure seemed good in the short term but reality sets in over the long run. Yes, "political genius" Karl Rove is the Democratic secret weapon that spells many, many Democratic victories over the next generation.


The big problem for an evil "genius" is that they are evil and the American people really are not evil. Yes, Americans can be deceived and manipulated with scare tactics, lies, dirty tricks and simplistic slogans.. for awhile. In the long term, those efforts always backfire. When these "darkside" political tactics get transferred from election strategy to policy, they will inevitably blow-up in the face of their users. Karl Rove never learned this lesson from the era of Richard Nixon.


We should realize that Karl Rove was not the only top Republican to misunderstand the lessons of the greater Watergate scandal. Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, most Republicans in Congress and the Republican National Committee are equally blind. In the Republican Party, they are all Rovians! Hurrah for us Democrats that they are!


Voter suppression, tampering with the voter rolls, intimidation, fear, slander, lies, deception and obsessive secrecy were keys to Republican victories in 2000, 2002 and 2004. These "darkside" tactics led to the Rovian Republican dream of a permanent Right Wing Majority ruling America for the next generation. It was always a crazy dream. It only made sense if you lived in the distorted, alternative reality of 24 hour Fox News and Rush Limbaugh-style talk radio. Most Americans live in the real world.


Even the short term victories from 2000 to 2004 were only possible because Democrats had not held firm against the creeping subversion by the Republican Right of our courts and regulatory agencies. Democrats should never have permitted Right Wing radicals like Thomas and Scalia to have become Supreme Court Justices before 2000. Bush did not legitimately take control of the Presidency in 2000.


Rovian tactics like the illegal, false felon purge by Katherine Harris in Florida before Election Day 2000 made the Florida vote close enough to let the Supreme Court thwart the will of the people and select George W. Bush over the real winner, Al Gore. Thus began the rule by Rovian policy which we call the Bush 43 Presidency.


In policy terms, the triumph of Rovian policy meant secret government by and for the economic elite. Trillions in tax cuts for the wealthiest of the wealthy and a few extra dollars in tax breaks for the rest of us were the first order of business. Most of us saw our tiny tax breaks disappear into our gas tanks as the oil companies who bankrolled the Rovian Republican Revolution financially raped us. California got punished by Bush (Rovian) energy allies like Enron in an illegal, electricity price-gouging scheme that federal regulators should have stopped immediately. Unfortunately, the Rovians got to the regulatory agencies first.


There was an immediate drop in Bush's approval rating. Only the 9-11 attacks saved Bush from one-term status and allowed the Rovian Revolution to last past the first few months.


Bankruptcy laws were changed to screw-over debtors. Polluters got pretty much everything they wanted. Trade pacts were signed all over the third world so companies could ship good American jobs out of the country while flooding us with cheap, often dangerous imports. Within a couple of years, the 9-11 scare tactics and secrecy were not being truly effective in keeping Americans in line politically.


Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush dreamed up a war in Iraq! It was a great political success and Rovian Republicanism was soon in total political control. All government policy was soon Rovian Republican!


Then the results of Rovian Republicanism became apparent. Afghanistan did not turn-out to be a mission completed as the Rovians had told us. The same goes for Iraq but multiply the mistake fifty times. Osama never got caught. The anthrax terrorist was never caught. Food and energy costs rose sharply. Republican officeholders were caught in scandal after scandal. The White House got caught in lie after lie. Stonewalling and claims of executive privilege became the order of the day. The national debt exploded. The super rich got much richer while everyone else got poorer.


The true nature of the Rovian Revolution which is Bush Republicanism has been revealed. It is out of touch with real American values.


Americans support Social Security and do not want it privatized. They support universal health care. They do not want the Bill of Rights trampled on by power crazed public officials. Americans do not want endless war. Americans want a strong defense but realize stupid can never be strong. Most Americans want to be union members. Most citizens want to protect American manufacturing and American jobs. Americans want renewable energy, safe products and bridges that will not collapse under them. They want honest elections where everyone gets to vote and have their vote counted. Americans like balanced budgets. They want to rich to pay their fair share of the tax burden. Americans want to be able to sue corporations when those corporations wrong them.


Americans do not want the kind of Republican rule that Karl Rove was selling. Americans in increasing numbers like the Democratic approach over the Republican one. Thank goodness, the Democrats had their secret weapon.. Karl Rove (and crew).


Written by Stephen Crockett (co-host of Democratic Talk Radio ). Email: . Mail: P.O. Box 283, Earleville, Maryland21919. Phone: 443-907-2367


Feel free to publish without prior permission at no charge.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Rove a No Show

A Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed both Scott Jennings and Karl Rove, according to a CNN article.  However, Mr. Rove thinks that he is somehow above the law and "refused to show up".

Well, that must be a nice feeling to be above the law.  If you or I had been subpoenaed and we didn't appear, I'm sure we're be sitting in jail right about now.

This executive privilege crap has got to go.  Our founding fathers never wanted to create an imperial presidency, but that's what we have now.  And, it's wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. 

God Bless

Saturday, July 21, 2007

America's Got Talent...

Have you been watching this show? We've taped them, so we're a week behind. The competition was wheedled down to the top 20. And, here's what I have to say about that. I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd agree with David Hasselholf, but I do. That Boy Shakira is the dumbest act I've ever seen in my life. How they could let Bryon not make it to the top 35 and then send home little 7 year old -- damn, I can't remember his name -- is a crazy decision. That Kashif should have never even made it to the top 75.

Getting back to Boy Shakira, I can't stand acts like that. People like him is one of the reasons gay people have a hard time getting our rights and to be thought of as normal. Backwoods America see a guy like that and they think we're all freaks.

Let's get together and vote him OFF!

Friday, July 06, 2007

White House: Clinton shameless in Libby comments -  
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Apparently, two wrongs do make a right. Tony Snow seems to think that if Clinton can pardon, Bush can commute. Now, I don't know how I feel about Clinton's Pardons, but I know that Bush is on shaky legal ground here.

Of course, it is always the right's answer to point to someone else and say, "He did it."

God Bless

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Global Warming

I get these email updates from a magazine called Newsmax.  Now, I signed up for it to get the "other" side's version of the truth.  (I still say that for the most part, the only non-leaning magazine is US News & World Report.)  Anyway, I'm pretty sick of this updates.  They have extreme headlines, such as "Al Gore's Lie", and a lot of times all the updates do is tout some book I'm not interested in reading.  I don't think Newsmax represents the right wing as a whole, just the radical right fringe.

Today's headline was the aforementioned "Al Gore's Lie".  It is about how Global Warming doesn't exist and isn't a worry for any of us.

How can anyone on this planet not believe in Global Warming?

Global Warming is a naturally occurring event.  The earth has been warming up for thousands of years.  That being said, just because Global Warming occurs naturally, does not mean that it isn't affected by what we do.  In fact, we've made it worst over the years. 

I took a science class while in college and had a professor that would be classified as right wing.  He was very conservative in his views.  He assigned us what I thought at the time was the worst final paper ever.  We had to write and prove scientifically whether or not man caused Global Warming.

So, I did my research, which included an experiment on how the earth cools and warms, and I had to conclude that man did not cause Global Warming.

However; using the same experiment, I concluded that while man didn't cause Global Warming, he's certainly made it worst.

So, I really don't understand what the fight is all about. 

Don't we want clean air to breath for ourselves and our children?

Don't we want clean water to drink?

Don't we want to invent products that do no harm to the planet?

How can anyone in their right mind argue with that?

Let's just say, hypothetically, that Global Warming doesn't exist.  What difference would it make?  Why wouldn't we want to make the air cleaner and our water safer to drink?

It just stands to reason.

God Bless