Top Of My Head

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Disappointed in Paul Ryan

I have to tell you that I am really disappointed in Congressman Paul Ryan. Now, I've never voted for Paul Ryan and since he voted the Republican line 95% of the time, I've spent a lot of time being disappointed in the Congressman from the first district in Wisconsin. But, he is from Janesville -- a very conservative town -- so I expected he probably wouldn't vote the way this constituent things he should. So, I've been disppointed in the way he votes, but not in him. Does that make sense?

Congressman Ryan has always provided answers as to why he's voted one way or another. I have always received a response from him, even if I didn't like it, and I've always received information from his office. Looking for a fact I couldn't find on my own, his office would lead me to the right government website or article or whatever and the fact would be produced on my computer screen.

Usually when I care about an issue, I write Feingold, Kohl and Ryan. I, generally, write them the same letter. And, Ryan answers every single time. Feingold and Kohl, not so much -- which disappoints me, but I give them a little leeway. Feingold and Kohl are responsible to the whole state, Ryan only has our little district.

However; I wrote the three of them my concerns on healthcare and I have received responses from both Feingold and Kohl (Kohl responded first) and NOTHING, NOTHING from Ryan. I can't believe it. Here is the most important issue facing the country and Ryan hasn't sent anything to me. Even when I asked him specific questions regarding his plan.

It is so unusual. I'm really hurt. :-( As silly as it sounds, I thought we had a little relationship going. I miss hearing from him.

God Bless


Jason said...

This is a great political site you have here. I have a site myself where people can debate on the most controversial topics, 24/7. Just letting you know about the site. Also, maybe we can do a link exchange. Let me know if this is possible.


Julie said...

Jason, of course I'll link exchange -- I just hope you come back and read this. I checked out your site and can't find a place to send you an email. Please send me one: