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Monday, August 03, 2009

Birthers? Can Obama Be President According to the Constitution? And, is Joe Biden anti-Christian?

Headline One:

Birthers? Can Obama Be President According to the Constitution?

Have you heard the big fuss being made over just where President Obama was born? I thought this was all resolved during the elections, but I was WRONG wasn't I? Apparently, 28% or 50% (depending on which blogger you wish to believe) of Republicans believe that President Obama isn't a natural born American citizen and, therefore, not eligible to be President.

But, I saw this blog post over at the Huffinginton Post written by Chris Kelly and I WISH I had thought of this! The man is brilliant and a bit of a smart aleck. So, check out his post.

Headline Two:

Is Joe Biden anti-Christian?

Saw this over at Huffinginton Post, too. I cannot believe that there is really a "Christian" group who thinks for one iota of a second that saying "Jesus Christ" is hate speech. Now, I know that I try my darnedest to not take the Lord's name in vain and I know that sometimes I fail. I say silly things like son of a biscuit and Holy Crap. But, that's getting me off track.

In reality, taking Jesus' name in vain isn't a sin. The Ten Commandments only says that you cannot take the Lord's name in vain and Jesus isn't God now is He? He is the Son of God, so taking His name in vain is not the samething as taking His Father's name in vain. Actually, since Jesus considered all of us His brothers and sisters, perhaps, we could take each other's names in vain. Like, the next time I get mad, I could yell JULIE MARIE! (like my father often did when I was a kid) instead of JESUS CHRIST and then I'd be off the hook for any sinning in that grey area of whether or not taking Jesus' name in vain is a sin, which I think it isn't, so it really doesn't matter and I just made you waste five minutes of your life you'll never get back.


Hmmm, kind of catchy, isn't it?

God Bless

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