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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Religious intolerance -- As Practiced by the Right Wing

If you are against "Intelligent Design", the gay marriage amendment ban and the so-called Christian Right, wrong wing bloggers will write about your intolerance, such as this quote from Owen of Boots and Sabers.

I think it’s funny how so many liberals love to wax moral over the virtues of tolerance and acceptance while rejecting as intolerable a philosophy held by a large portion of the population."

What Owen is referring to is another article on a different blog ranting against the religious wrongs.

Owen is not alone in his misreading of blogs that are against the religious fundamentalists
that are trying to hijack our country. There are many with him.

I am not intolerant of the right-wing views. I would totally take up my arms and defend their right to their views. I just have a problem when they want to take their religious views and impose them on the rest of society. Suddenly, when they want to impose their views, we should all become tolerant and say, "Hey, great idea." But, when we would like to have a more open public forum for all views, suddenly, we're improperly imposing our viewpoints on them.

For example, gay marriage. According to the religious right, we should outlaw the chance for gay marriage because it is against their religious views. However, not all Christian Churches agree with this stance. Some Methodist and Lutheran churches do not have a problem with gay marriages. So, I'm curious, if not all Christian based religions cannot agree on gay marriage, how can the Christian wrongs insist on imposing their beliefs on the whole country?

And, this whole thing brings me back to the original statement:

"I think it’s funny how so many liberals love to wax moral over the virtues of tolerance and acceptance while rejecting as intolerable a philosophy held by a large portion of the population."

It isn't that liberals are intolerant, the right-wing are the intolerant. Plain and Simple. Any group that wants to ensure that another group can't have a right, isn't practicing tolerance. And, those of us against said intolerance are in the right -- not the wrong.

1 comment:

Jay Bullock said...

Julie, your link to Bryan Kennedy's essay is broken . . .

But some very good points--the idea that the religious right wants to impose its lifestyle on the rest of us us the true intolerance, and what Kennedy was complaining about. Owen chose not to see that. Professor McAdams joined the chorus this morning, calling Bryan's passionate and eloquent defense of his religious identity a "tantrum"! Sheesh.