Top Of My Head

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Monday, August 20, 2007

A Question...

I was watching the last part of "The American President" yesterday and it got me to thinking.

Why is it that belonging to the NRA is considered being a conservative, yet, if you belong to the ACLU, you're a liberal?

Our founding fathers put freedom of religion, speech and the right to assemble as our number one amendment.  In all our rights as Americans, this one came first.  The ACLU works tirelessly to defend the First Amendment.  As Americans, we should all support their efforts -- in theory, as I don't believe we should just mindlessly follow any group.  Have I agreed with the ACLU always?  No, I haven't, but I know that they work to protect my right to disagee.

Our Second Amendment is the right to bear arms in order to form a militia.  Now, I don't see the need for a citizen militia, as we have the National Guard, as well as our Military, but I don't think any lawabiding citizen should not be allowed the right to own a weapon.  The NRA works tirelessly to defend the Second Amendment.  As Americans, we should all support their efforts, just like we should support the ACLU.

Now, I used to be a member of the NRA, as I believe I've mentioned before.  I dropped my membership when I believe the NRA went a bit too far in their zeal to protect the Second Amendment by supporting armor piercing bullets.  Just like I don't think one should be allowed to yell FIRE in a crowded theatre (unless there really is a fire), I don't think one should be allowed to own Armor piercing bullets.

But, I don't think this is a conservative issue, nor is it a liberal issue.  Defending our Constitutional rights is an American issue.  We should get involved to ensure that illegal wiretapping isn't done by our government.  We should ensure that our right to bear arms is not removed.  We should ensure that our right to agree or disagree with our government is protected. 

So, I don't understand why these two groups have become so polairized that they are considered one side or the other.

I once had a conversation with a current member of the NRA, who hated the ACLU.  I found that humorous, for without the First Amendment (and those who work to protect it), the NRA itself could be outlawed.  Which is to say, without the "liberal" group, the "conservative" group might not exist.  Doesn't that mean that in the large picture, we all need each other?  I think so.

So, if you're a member of the ACLU, thank a member of the NRA (my mother always taught me that one reason no one has invaded us is because we have the guns to defend our homes).  And, if you're a member of the NRA, thank a member of the ACLU.

I'll say a little prayer for both groups.

God Bless.

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