Top Of My Head

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Friday, September 05, 2008

I Am Woman

Sarah Palin is only the second woman in American history to be nominated to be the Vice President of these United States. The first time this happened, the lady was Geraldine Ferraro and the year was 1984 (when I was still a proud card carrying Republican). I can remember discussions at that time that Mondale would win because "them Women Libbers" will vote for a woman. Mondale lost and if I remember correctly, he only won his home state of Minnesota. Apparently, not enough women chose to vote for Mondale.

Now, here it is 24 years later and I'm seeing headlines and hearing people say things like "McCain's going to win. The women will vote for Palin."

Are we still in the dark ages? What woman is going to vote for McCain just because he picked a woman as his running mate? I'm not.

Just like I didn't cast my vote for Hillary, I'm not going to cast a vote for Palin. And, to the people who think one woman is the same as another, Sarah Palin is NOT Hillary Clinton. Palin wants us all to go back to the stone age and Hillary embraces the future, so they're nothing a like.

But, getting back to my point. What was my point?

Oh, yeah, all these crazy statements just distract from the real issues of the campaign. What will happen when either of these men make it to the White House.

So, to my female readers, please don't vote for McCain because he picked a woman running mate, just like I wouldn't expect my black readers to vote for Obama because he's 1/2 black.

There's going to be a lot of tough decisions to be made in the next four years. We need to find out how to insure the 45 million working Americans that have no health insurance. We need to find a way to walk away from the War in Iraq that won't come back to bite us in the ass twenty years from now. We need to find Bin Laden and bring him to justice -- on American soil. We need to lower the unemployement rate. We need to ensure that Social Security will be there when we retire. We have an infastructure in this country that's falling apart, we need to fix it. We need to find better ways to build cars and end our dependence on oil -- all of it, not just the foreign oil. We need to stop the ownership of our major companies from going overseas. We need to find a better way -- if we're truly a Christian nation -- to help our neighbors.

I believe that if we've learned anything from the past eight years, a divided house may keep going, but the road is easier to travel if we are united.

So, in November, when you're voting, think which candidate is going to join us together to work for a better, brighter future for America.

In the immortal words of Charlie Daniels, "this lady may have stumbled, but she ain't never fell."

God Bless

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