Top Of My Head

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

And some people think I'd be a bad mom!

According to a CNN Article, Agla Nadia Vincent duck taped her two boys together "while she went to work".  What in the world could this woman be thinking?  Also, this is just another example of why straight people should have to get licenses to procreate.  You need one to drive a car, but these irresponsible people continue on their way.  Further, not one person has ever been able to find a case of a gay person abusing their children!

God Bless those little guys -- with a mom like that -- they're going to need it!


Anonymous said...

oh please! what the hell has crazy lady got to do w/ being a gay OR straight parent? For all you know, she is a closet bi-sexual anyway. Shame on you - this one was crap.

Oh, and it is DUCT tape.... duh...

Julie said...

Actually, I disagree. This is a fair assessment. The right wing constantly makes statements that gay parents are wrong and harmful to children, even though there is not one shred of evidence that supports this claim. This is just one of a thousand stories each year of someone, who is not gay or even a closet bisexual, that harms their children. While the right wing is busy telling you not to have an abortion or we must stop the gays, they have not done anything but pass underfunded mandates on schools. They have not done one thing to help parents.

So, when I see articles such as these, I come out swinging against straights being parents. At least I have some facts to back me up.

Anonymous said...

This makes me sick to my stomach. No one states alleged, she is guilty by the media with no trial what so ever. No one mentions the facts. These are the facts 1. The Navy Hospital on base released a report after look the two children over stating there are no evidence on duct tape. 2. All the evidence that is available is word of mouth that contradicts itself. A report that the neighbor called the police after seeing the youngest child outside the house going back inside "Hmm I though they were both duct taped together." 3. The story doesn't make any sense that has been put out. According to the media Agla Vincent came home and tried to rip the duct tape off in front of the police officer. Let me get this straight, the police officer found the kids duct taped together and Agla Vincent just happened to come home as this happened to rip the duct tape off with her teeth, or maybe the police officer just left the kids taped together and waited just to see what Agla Vincent would do. All this is conjured lies brought on by the father Justin Lewman. This man is a monster. Fact Justin Lewman is mentally unstable person with bipolar disorder. Fact Justin Lewman does not pay child support in order to benefit the children he stated he cared about. Fact Justin Lewman physically and mentally abused Agla Vincent through his entire relationship with her. Fact Justin Lewman on 2 accounts wiped out her entire savings account and disappeared leaving her alone with the two children. Fact Justin Lewman has threaten Social workers trying to get back his children stating "If I don't get my children something is going to happen" Fact Justin Lewman or his mother leaked the story to the press and are getting in contact with the governor of Florida with their lies. Justin Lewman is a monster and will never change his evil ways. Everyone who buys into this story is supporting a mentally unstable abusive deadbeat man. Agla Vincent is a caring loving mother who would give the world for her children. I pray to god the truth will be told to everyone. I pray that a loving mother will once be reunited with her children.