Top Of My Head

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Public Service Announcement...

Two years ago, I wrote a blog stating that I felt we don't do enough in this country to support our troops.  Putting my money where my keyboard is, has been a goal of mine since I started this blog.  So, every year, I give money to the USO and various veteran groups (although, I admit, giving it down this year, as I don't have much to spare) and last year at Christmas I came across the best of both worlds.  I found BOGO - buy one, give one.  I purchased three BOGO lights and requested that the give ones were given to servicemen and women in Iraq or Afghanistan.  The three lights went out as Christmas presents to my father, youngest brother and son-in-law.

Well, this week, I received an email from Mark Bent, CEO and founder of SunNight Solar, announcing yet another program.  Since I'm not big on forwarding messages to friends and family, I thought I'd post his letter (see below).  This is a good program and I know economic times are hard right now for all of us, but if you can, please show a little love to our troops.

God Bless



   We do not send many e-mails out to our customers; however, I wanted to bring this new initiative we have developed to get lights to our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, to your personal attention.  I would appreciate you consider forwarding this e-mail on to your friends, contacts and colleagues, so together, we can help them, and the people of these countries.  Our website for this new endeavor is


    Additional information about developments at SunNight Solar, and the original of the blog text below, can be viewed at


Thank you,



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