Top Of My Head

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Milwaukee Public Museum with Da Boys

Can there possibly be anything better than taking a little guy to the public museum to go trick or treating?

Yeah, taking two little guys!

Last night, the museum held one of its members only nights. We went -- Cheryl, Kim, Danny, Alex and I. Along for the ride was my boss, Carmen, and her three kids -- Emily, Greg and Eric. (Greg and Eric are 7 year old twins.)

Carmen, her kids and I went to see Aliens of the Deep at the Imax. That was so cool and I highly recommend it. Kim, Cheryl and da boys met up with us afterward. The boys are too small to attend movies. Maybe next year.

I wish I had taken a picture of Carmen and her kids, as I had wanted to, but as we struck out one big happy "family" of nine, we soon discovered that the kids had different ideas in mind. Carmen's kids were much faster at looking at the exhibits and the boys meandered here and there. So, we did split up and, alas, I didn't get a picture of all of them.
I did get a couple of Danny with Carmen

He wasn't quite sure what to make of her!

I had, also, wanted to get one of the five kids sans adults, but I didn't manage that one, either. I did get one of Alex (face turned of course) and Emily. So, at least I got a shot of one of Carmen's kids! Oh well, there's always next year and maybe da boys will be able to keep up with the older ones.

The boys really liked all the exhibits.

As a matter of fact, Danny especially got into them.

Suffice it to say, a good time was had by all!

We're taking them trick or treating on Sunday -- so watch for more pictures!

God Bless!

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