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Monday, June 05, 2006

Limbaugh admitted to airing call from phony liberal-bashing Lt. Col. in Iraq but continued to hold out hope officer was real

This one is for my brother, Scott. So, Robyn, be a dear and make sure you point this one out to him. You know how much he LOVES Rush Limbaugh!

On May 31, Rush Limbaugh aired a phone call that allegedly was from an Air Force officer stationed in Iraq -- "Lieutenant Colonel Luke Fitzpatrick of the 336th Tactical Air Wing". This "Lieutenant Colonel" stated, "I wanted to let you know that you and your cohort, Mr. Hannity, are the only two that are allowed to get broadcasts across our (inaudible) room. The rest of the liberals -- they can go listen on their Walkmans if they so choose."

Well, well, well, what a tangled web we weave when at first we choose to deceive. Turns out that whomever this caller was -- his name wasn't Fritzpatrick, he isn't in the Air Force and the 336th Tactical Air Wing doesn't exist.

Hmmm, I seem to recall a lot of right-wing people not letting up on Dan Rather when it turned out he made a report that turned out to be based on untrue information.

So, I could say a lot about Mr. Limbaugh, but I won't. I'll let his record as a right-wing "journalist" stand for itself.

Plus, you know, I like for my readers to read the facts for themselves, so check out the MediaMattersForAmerica webpage where the article appears.

Have a nice day.

God Bless

P.S. Still want to defend this man, Scott, or are you going to FINALLY give up on him?


Anonymous said...

Just the obvious. First, this is a caller not an interview. Second, how can you possibly compare this to the Rather story that was a blatant lie, in total disregard (and disrespectful of) the truth? And even after Rather's source was proven false, he insisted that the "story" still existed. That "story" was fully intended to smear the President (might I add that they had to fabricate a story because they couldn't find anything real to smear him with). I haven't researched your claim but, even if it is true, one bad caller does not even come close to making Rush irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

If Bush was innocent of the charges made against him, he could release those records for the public to see and all questions about his service would be answered.

He hasn't done it.

Julie said...

Scott, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't have enough hours in my day to research every untruth and stupidity Rush states in just one show.

BTW, Rush is still standing by this caller, as if the guy is real, when he's not and the military and the government has stated he is not.

Also, this "caller" smeared liberals -- so that's okay to disregard and be disrespectful of the truth if the discussion is against liberals, but NOT if it is against the president?

BTW, Scott, the President has sealed the very files that -- if he's telling the truth -- would back up his version. Why in the world would someone seal their own service records if they could end the discussion once and for all? You only seal or hide files when they can prove you're lying.

Your loving sister, Julie