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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Hideous Chicken

The Hideous Chicken

Just what the world needs, another conservative, can't check the facts writing a blog!

If you want to view why I can't align myself with conservatives, read this blog.


nonfreak said...

Seems you need to check your facts my dear. Did some checking on your comment about the Republicans crying "far left wing" during Ginsburg's nomination hearings. If there was such an outcry as you claim, then, why in fact did she get confirmed by a vote of 96-3? I can tell you one thing, In 1993, Democrats had complete control over the Senate. so, it seems if, as you state, that if Conservatives had so much of a problem with Ginsburg, why did they help to confirm her? Also, in nominating Miers, no one had any idea whether or not she supported abortion rights or not. Henceforth, no Litmus Test that I'm aware of. Unless you have an "in" with the White House, where are you getting your information? Wait. CNN I guess. Typical Lib.

Julie said...

Well, then I must have imagined all of those conservative protests to Miers nomination.
I said (in my blog) that I wasn't keen on Miers because of her lack of judicial experience.
Both sides of the aisle are using abortion as a litmus test. Example from the right is Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas). He told President Bush to select a nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.
Sounds like a litmus test to me.
A misguided litmus test.
Abortion is certainly not the only issue that will face the Supreme Court over the next twenty years. I'd rather see a justice who can put aside their personal views when they rule.
(FYI, I'm a pro-life, Independent.)

nonfreak said...

Yes, just as most Liberals want a judge who will "protect a woman's right to choose". And that doesn't sound like a litmus test for pro-abortion? Perhaps you should have read my column more carefully. I also had a problem with President Bush's choice of a nominee because she had no experience.

Did you feel the same way about Ruth Bader-Ginsberg? The judge who formally worked for the ACLU? She was quite opinionated when it came to many political/judicial issues. Views she holds too in her time on the court as well. Seems President Bill Clinton had a litmus test there, Democrats didn't seem to object. And, a majority of Republicans voted for her on the basis that she was qualified. They didn't seem to hold her as accountable for her personal agenda views that Democrats seem to hold President Bush's nominees for.

Judge Alito had gotten high marks from the American Bar Association when nominated to the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and Liberals didn't seem to have a problem with him then. The question is, will they now? If he is given full marks by the ABA again, certainly, that will signal that he's qualified. But, is qualification enough? Or, do you simply want a rubber stamp for the Liberal Agenda?

Julie said...

As I've all ready said, I don't want the litmus test for a good judge to be any agenda, right wing or left wing. I want a judge who can leave their personal views behind. A good judge is someone who doesn't take any sides.

Also, I've never denied that the Left uses abortion as a Litmus Test. I said that both sides are using it. I believe wholeheartedly that neither side should use it. There are certainly other issues that will come up in the next 20 or so years Alito will serve.

And what is your obsession with Ruth Bader-Ginsberg? Apparently, the Republicans didn't fight her because of her views. What would you like me to do about that?