Top Of My Head

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Once and for all, here's how I feel about a casino being built in Kenosha.

I don't think it should be built. Period.

Yes, I think there are too many casinos all ready in this state and everywhere. I don't think a casino constitutes family fun just because it has a hotel with a swimming pool and an arcade. Kids don't belong in and around a casino anymore than I think they should be around alcohol. (Yeah, I'm one of those who think you shouldn't drink around your kids.)

Gambling is a vice. I've been known to pull a few handles on slot machines and pick up a lottery ticket now and then, but really, I don't want a casino in Kenosha. Why not a nice indoor waterpark? It might bring in less tax money, but no one is going to lose their rent money there.

I have the right to my opinion. This is my blog and my website and I'm not crazy for thinking that a place that promotes a vice -- and gambling is a vice -- isn't what should get built in place of the dog track.

So, I don't really care if you think I'm being ridiculous, I don't support the idea of yet another casino in this state. And, I'm sorry there are people in this state that think promoting a vice is a good way to raise tax dollars.

God Bless


Anonymous said...

The Indians involved in this casino have conspired to get the management company eliminated from the casino. They worked with the US Attorney to point out that Troha fronted money to his family to donate to Doyle. By pointing this out they eliminated the management company, which was a local entitiy that could have benefited from the casino. It will be interesting to see what Troha received just a few days B4 he was indicted.

It would have been nice to have a local company benefit the way Kenesah would have. That management company (Kenesah -owned by Troha) was not Indian owned so they helped eliminate it after they used Troha for all he could give. The Indians have been using contacts from Chicago, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Madison and Washington DC to do whatever is necessary and once they get what they want, they eliminate those people. They care about one thing and that is to get casinos up and running to suck hard earned money out of our wonderful communities.

Just wait until you see what they will do to renege on those Inter Governmental Agreements with the city, county and state --- then we'll see who the suckers are! Once that land is a sovereign nation we'll see nothing but our community losses going to the Indians.

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