Top Of My Head

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today's Vote!

According to JSONLINE, the Republicans don't expect anyone to put up much of a fight regarding today's vote on the anti-gay ban. They figure it's a slam dunk and they can all go home and pat themselves on the back. (And, pray to God that He forgives them for their sins, I'm sure.)

Anyway, I just received an email from a buddy of mine who let me know what happened on the floor. I'm posting it here, verbatim.

"I have to share with you what just happened on the Assembly Floor. Representative Jon Richards (Dem-Milwaukee) introduced a constituent in the gallery who fought on the U.S.S. Wisconsin. A real war hero. Everyone stood up and cheered -- the Republicans cheering the loudest. (They love their war heroes). Then Representative Richards introduced this man's gay partner to much cheering from the Democrats and much less from the Republicans. :-)"

Guess Republicans aren't too keen on gay war heroes and their husbands.

Keep good thoughts that right will win over might and somehow this won't pass.

God Bless us all.

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