Al Qaeda Terrorist Moussaoui received life in prison and, as he was leaving the courtroom, he said, according to CNN, "America, you lost."
No, Mr. Moussaoui, you lost. You now have to spend the rest of your days in one of our prisons. You and the other terrorists who died trying to destroy America lost the battle and the war. We're still here.
And, Mr. Moussaoui, death would be too good for you. You should have to live knowing that you can't harm any of us. You should live knowing that no matter how much we fight amongst ourselves that we will stand united against any foe. You will live with the knowledge that you and your terrorist friends did not succeed. America grows stronger every day. America is the beacon of freedom for the whole world and she stood tall on 9/11, she's standing tall now and she will remain standing long after your bones turn to dust.
I know that some will say the jury should've given you a sentence of death, but as a Catholic and a Christian, I can't abide by the death penalty. Everyone has to be given the chance to ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness so they can stand at His side during the end of time. You, Mr. Moussaoui, you will not ask him for forgiveness, so once you are done living our your days in a jail cell -- where most likely, you'll have to be kept from the rest of the prisoners -- you will spend eternity suffering in the fires of Hell for what you did.
God Bless
What a wretched thing to put out in the public arena.
For one thing, I doubt that you are a "Christian" if you are a in an organization is not the same as faith in Our Saviour.
If you did live within the Grace of Christ, you would know that He loves Mr. Moussaoui as much as He loves you. He died for Mr. Moussaoui, just as He died for you.
If you were a Christian, you would not be gleeful about anyone - anyone - being separated from God in Hell...forget the sulphur and fire is the total separation from God which will be the true "hell" of hell.
Instead of gloating over this man, you should be praying for him...just as Jesus instructed us.
Maybe you should spend more time reading the Bible than you do reading the the way, how can a lesbian be a communicant in the Roman Catholic Church? The last time I read a Papal Bull, it stated rather categorically that intentionally and willfully living a homosexual lifestyle is a mortal sin.
Can anyone say "moral relativism"? My, you are a good catholic.
Suzanne Reiderer
Suzanne, I'm sorry you disagree with me.
I've always been a Christian, since I first excepted Christ as my savior as a child. Being Catholic is how I express my faith in Christ. It does not mean that my faith in Christ is any less than anyone elses.
I didn't mean to imply that Christ does not love Mr. Moussaoui at all. I, also, am not gleeful that he is going to spend eternity separated from God. I'm merely standing a fact. Most likely, he won't ask God for forgiveness for his sins and he will spend eternity in Hell.
I've never said that I haven't prayed for him, nor is it true.
The main point, which I'm sure you missed, was the fact that America lost lives on 9/11, but the country as a whole did not lose. We will survive long after Mr. Moussaoui and his cohorts are forgotten.
Further, the only thing you have to believe in order to be Catholic is the creed. As I became Catholic late in life, I've never read the Catechism.
Thanks for reading!
God Bless
In regards to the comment left for Julie...You are right that we were instructed by Jesus to pray for these people and I agree. But after reading your comment it does not display how Jesus instructed (or demonstrated) on how we should talk to eachother. From what I read it seemed quite harsh, which Jesus was not. I think that we as Christians should leave the judging to Jesus...since we are each responsible only for our OWN relationship with works out best that way.
Also in New York City...
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