Top Of My Head

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

If this is true, then the Bush boys are jerks...

According to the NY Times, President Bush and his brother , Jeb, have not been standing behind Katherine Harris in her bid for the Republican Senate nomination.

Now, I don't live in Florida, so it is really none of my concern who becomes the next Senator from there, but what is up with the Bush boys? Didn't Barbara and George Sr. teach them to stand by their friends? Didn't they show them how to be gracious?

The Bush boys have been pushing for Allan Bense to run for the nomination. And, on Monday, Jeb Bush publicly announced that he didn't think MS Harris could win and he mentioned that she has problems in her campaign.

Now, maybe, with President Bush's ratings dropping to toilet level, his lack of endorsement for MS Harris won't matter. Or, maybe she's doing so poorly, because MS Harris is linked so closely with the 2000 election and President Bush and the people of Florida are mad their state went to Bush. Again, I don't know, I don't live there.

So, enough with the speculation.

I'm still upset that the President and Governor cannot stick by their friend. It shouldn't matter whether or not she can win, she's one of their friends and friends always stick up for friends -- at least publicly.

God Bless

1 comment:

Julie said...

First, I stand by my original statement -- I would prefer my President to show loyality. Katherine Harris showed loyality to him and to the Republican party. I would expect Bush to return the favor -- that's what friends do. I'm sure anyone sticks by their friends.

Second, I don't think that the only reason Bush's ratings are in the toliet is solely because of his stand on illegal immigration. There are high gas prices, the war in Iraq, the questionable wiretapping, along with his immigration stands and any one of these issues could single-handedly cause a dip in his ratings. Group them all together and his ratings are going to drop -- a lot.

Oh, I don't need to use MS Harris "as a device to attack the Bush boys". I can find a lot of other ways to bash President Bush without having to mention MS Harris's name.

Thanks for reading.

God Bless