The bad thing about being a Nana is that they are so far away. I only get to see them an average of once per month and I can tell you that isn't often enough. That's the bad.
The good is that Grandpa Dan, who sees them nearly everyday, likes to take pictures and movies and he makes sure that he passes them on. You couldn't ask for a better in-law in that respect. Cheryl and I often comment just how blessed we are to have Dustin's parents, Dan and Michelle, as co-grandparents.
But, anyway, I realized today that I have been remissed in posting pictures! I've hardly posted any in the past couple of months, which means I've been hogging the boys all to myself. So, I thought I would pass on a few shots that Dan has sent down --- BTW, Danny and Alex are both standing, so walking might not be too far off. I hope Dan catches it on video!
Oh, and one last thing -- even though I don't have a picture to post of him on hand -- Happy Birthday to my favorite nephew, Tyler, who turns 14 today and will probably mention that he's my only nephew!
God Bless!
I know a nice 10 month old girl. She gets to spend one night a week with her Grandpa and Nana.
Life is good
Must be nice. I wish I could see the boys in person once a week. I really miss them!
Thanks for posting!
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