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Monday, April 05, 2010

Net Neutrality and the Right Wing

The rest of my interview with Steve Hofstetter will be posted soon.  Before the end of the day -- I promise -- I'm still transcribing it.

BUT, I just received a message from Media Matters regarding the Right Wing and Net Neutrality.  Apparently, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome.  They both have a serious case of it, because they are convinced that Net Neutrality is a BAD thing and that is simply not true.

The big communications companies don't want Net Neutrality.  They want to charge me more in order to have their customers come visit my blog and they want to charge consumers more for reading my blog.  And, my blog is just a sample.  Beck and Limbaugh will be heard because they have big contracts and a lot of money backing them.  People like me will not be heard, because I can't afford to pay Comcast, AT&T and Verizon more money to obtain readers.  I'm not that dedicated as a blogger to charge for content and I happen to believe that free speech means it should be FREE.

This is one of those few issues where the Christian Coalition and the ACLU actually AGREE.  They both know that if someone decides to put up roadblocks to sites, democracy will be in trouble.

Maybe, you don't agree with one blog I've ever posted.  Maybe, you hate my guts, as I know at least two people out there do.  Maybe, you think I should die a horrible and terrifying death -- and, maybe, you're right.  Maybe, I'm the awful person YOU think I am, but the First Amendment guarantees me the right to free speech.  I pay for the hosting of this website.  I pay for my Internet access.  I shouldn't have to pay YOUR Internet provider to have my blog come up in search engines or have people visit.

YOU shouldn't have to pay to have YOUR blog read, either.

That is what Net Neutrality defends against.

Don't listen to Glenn and Rush on this issue -- Contact the FCC and let them know YOU support Net Neutrality.  Read up on it on your own. 

You can start here:

God Bless America!

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