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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Disappointing Paul Ryan Response

See the picture?  That's an untouched copy of an actual email I've received from Paul Ryan's office. (If you click on the image, you can see a larger size.) And, I'm disappointed.  I don't know if it is a change in staff or what has happened, but his response used to be better than this.  I'm used to receiving a letter from him that at least names the legislation I've written about.  I contacted him 3 times in the last week.  Once regarding H.R. 1024 - Uniting American Families Act of 2009, once on a recent vote on extending unemployment (I forget the #) and once on gay marriage. This is the response I get? This is highly unusual for Paul Ryan to not give a detailed response. 

I do realize that I'm not his most important constituent, but I am surprised that his answer didn't at least name the legislation. 

I'm very disappointed right now.  I truly am.

Do you think he or a member of his staff has read my blog and realized I won't be voting for him come November?  But, if they did read my blog, you'd think they'd realize I'd blog about his answer.

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