Top Of My Head

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Friday, July 16, 2010

American Family Association

I'm not sure just how this happened, but I have been placed on the so-called American Family Association email list.  This morning, I received one of their hate-filled emails denouncing the funding for the high-risk insurance group in the state of Pennsylvania.  Not does the AFA want to stop the funding because they claim women can obtain abortions with the insurance, they want to roll back what they refer to as Obamacare.

Well, I was going to remove myself from their mailing list and then I thought - wait, let's see the email they want me to send to my representatives in Washington.  So, I went to the email and thought - I can change the text.  Let's change the text and have the AFA send out the email that I would support.

So, I was thinking, if I can do it -- then everyone can do it.

I encourage all of my readers to go to the AFA website and sign up for their emails.  When you get asked to send an email, send one - on their dime and using their resources, but change the text to match how you feel.

Is it ethical, no probably not.  But, sometimes, as I posted yesterday - I'm just a little shit.

Have a great American Day!

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