I want to know why people are filled with hate think they have a right to sprout off to whomever they want about whatever they want. I'm not talking about someone who disagrees with my viewpoints, I'm talking about someone who is completely filled with nothing but hate.
Take for example, Ann Coulter. How could she possibly think that it is completely okay to say (and I quote) "If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
Wouldn't she be having a fit if John Edwards said that about her? Wouldn't the whole right wing be having a fit?
I'm really coming to the conclusion that this woman is just plain mean. There cannot be a loving bone in her body. You don't like someone, fine, but where does she get off making personal attacks? If she doesn't like how John Edwards runs his campaign, fine, say something about that. But, she's been calling him names and not really saying anything of substance. I wonder why that is. Could it be that she doesn't really know anything?
Oh and did you see Hardball with Chris Matthews, when Elizabeth Edwards politely asked Coulter to stop the personal attacks? I think Ann was too busy messing with her hair to actually be listening. I couldn't watch the whole thing, because Coulter can't even be gracious.
And, it's not just Ann Coulter. It's people in general who seem to think that they have the right to yell and scream at someone when they disagree with them. When did this happen in our nation? When did politeness leave the building? No one has the right to humiliate another human being in that manner. I don't think I've ever written in my blog that I wish someone died in a terrorist attack.
So, all of this brings me to an article I was reading in Newsweek. It appears as if scientists have discovered that we can actually change people's brains. So, a psychopath who has no empathy for other people can have their brain altered to have compassion. Someone who is filled with hate for another group can have their mind altered to eliminate the hate. Someone who wasn't born with a maternal instinct could be given one.
Pretty cool, huh. We could eliminate the need for war and hurt and anger with just a rewiring of the offender's brain. This is years away, of course, but years away will be here soon enough.
But, then, I wonder, who would make that determination of what was hate and what was right and wrong? What if Ann Coulter was the one to make that determination? Would we all be hatefilled as she is?
Anyway, it's an interesting concept and one I'm sure we'll end up debating for years to come.
God Bless
PS. Side note to Ann Coulter: Just because you have free speech doesn't mean you should necessarily use it all the time. Sometimes, it's best to be quiet.
Good, I am glad it is not just me being a crochety old woman and thinking, Man are these people f***ing rude or WHAT?
I have had people come up to me at work and tell me what is wrong with (fill in some ethnic, national or religious group here) and they barely KNOW me. They are going by what I look like.
People are so angry today. If something deosn't go EXACTLY as they want, they get angry. Some shout, some call superiors, some even get physical. Does it REALLY matter if the store opened 2 minutes late or if there are 3 people in line in front of you? If you are in THAT much of a hurry you should not be in a store, but doing whatever else you need to.
I think part of the problem is we have become used to instant gratification and heaven forbid we should have to wait our turn or have someone disagree that we should get something merely because we want it.
The rest of the issue is derived from a loss of control over our own lives, so people take it out on others by controlling them best they can. Making someone cry seems to make a lot of people feel better these days. It is only one more step beyond that to making a statement like Ms. Coulter's. Ask any child abuser.
Well, Zeta, we both know you are a crochety woman, but you're right. I'm really getting tired of the rudeness in society.
You're also correct in saying that it makes people feel better to make other's cry. "I'm feeling horrible, so I'll take it out on you and then I don't have to feel so bad." It's rude and it's wrong. I wonder how these people were raised. Did their parents tell them it was okay to be so rude?
I wonder how proud Ann Coulter's parents must be.
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