Well, that doesn't matter. Anyway, there's this post about Lisa Pond. Lisa died of a brain aneurysm on Feb. 18th, but that's not all. Below is a quote from another blog:
Situations like this are the very reason gays and lesbians should not be denied marriage. Family values my ass. The mean spirited people who do things like this do not know the meaning of the words family values."From The Olympian: ``Langbehn, a social worker, said officials at . . . [JMH] did not recognize her or their jointly adopted children as part of Pond's family. They were not allowed to be with her . . . and Langbehn's authority to make decisions for Pond was not recognized . . .
``Even after a friend in Olympia faxed the legal documents that showed that Pond had authorized Langbehn to make medical decisions for her, Langbehn said she wasn't invited to be with her partner or told anything about her condition. She said she wasn't allowed to see Pond again until a priest arrived to give . . . Last Rites.''"
This woman died without her kids and partner, because of hate and bigotry. A social worker, Garnett Frederick, told Langbehn that Florida is 'an anti-gay state.' Well, well, well. Langbehn had a legal right to make decisions for Pond and the hospital denied it to her. I hope she sues, I hope she wins and I hope that hospital has to close its doors for good. (I should note that Mr. Frederick has denied this allegation.)
Cheryl's been talking for years about going to Florida to see the sites and, even though I've never been a fan of Florida, I probably would've given in, but not now. I told her last night that I will never step foot into that hate filled state. I won't take a vacation there, I'll never travel there on business until this kind of foolish stops.
So, here's my final and very UnChristian thought, let's just stop visiting Florida. The whole state only has two things: Oranges and tourists. Let's stop drinking their juice, eating their oranges and visiting their way too hot and humid state. Let's just leave them be.
I think Rosie should sell her house and arrange for her cruise line to pick up passengers somewhere else. No gay person should do business in Florida and no straight person who knows a gay person or is related to a gay person should go there either.
I do want to offer up a prayer for Lisa Pond and her family. May God hold them close to His heart until they can all be together again.
God Bless
1 comment:
While I understand your frustration with Florida, please don't paint us all with the same brush. I live here and I'm appalled by the story. I believe it happened just as it was reported. But if everyone with more than 3 living brain cells decides to stay away from FL, who's left? And will they change things? No. They will have no reason to because those that demand change won't be here. We change the system by being part of it not by avoiding it.
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