Top Of My Head

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Friday, July 14, 2006

Dennis Troha -- Bad for Kenosha Bad for WI

Dennis Troha is a cheap son of a bitch. He, when full owner of ATC Leasing, rarely gave good raises to his employees. He tried to break the unions (see story here) and now that he has sold ATC Leasing, he is all about bringing a new casino -- one where he'll make a lot of money (BTW, this article makes Troha look like a friend of Doyles, but he's given a lot of money to Paul Ryan as well) -- to Kenosha.

Personally, I don't see the need for yet another casino in the state, least of all one that won't benefit Racine. Also, I don't see the need for any business that will benefit Dennis Troha and I encourage my fellow Wisconsinites to call the governor and Paul Ryan and say, "Hey, we don't want another casino."

I know a lot of good, upstanding citizens who work for ATC Leasing -- none of them make a decent living. We don't need casino workers to be in the same spot as the people who worked for Troha in the past.

BTW, this is Dennis Troha's idea of what you need to do business in Kenosha: "If you're coming into Kenosha, you have to know who would have the baseball bat - and I know how to use the baseball bat."

Do you want this man running a billion dollar industry?

I don't.

God Bless


Anonymous said...

Thank God Troha has busted the unions - they are just an excuse to be lazy and get paid for it. The days of the union useful are gone - they only serve to protect the lazy and enrich the union bosses.

You go Dennis - and get us a Casino in Kenosha!

Julie said...

Well, thanks for posting...

But, people with union jobs -- get raises and they buy things and support the economy.

People without union jobs -- don't get raises -- don't make a decent living AND don't really make good consumers to push & support the economy.

Just ask someone who works at Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...

What a naive comment that people without Union jobs don't get raises.

Private Business Owners are the backbone of the American economy and wouldn't be able to keep quality employees if they didn't give raises.

Unions protect the lazy and give them permission to continue being so!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but have you been out looking for a job lately? I'm a skilled worker and very good at my job. I take on extra duties constantly. And, the company for whom I work has consistently not given me a raise for two years. As it happens, I'm not ready to leave because I am going to let them pay for my college education. When I get my degree, I will be off looking for another job. And, why? Because of the lousy raises my company offers. And, I'm not alone. I know people who are not union and who worked for Dennis Troha. He spent years not giving his employees raises, especially during the hard times when a quality employee couldn't just up and find another job. I think it is not only naive, but totally wrong to assume that union workers don't deserve the pay they receive. My father was a union worker and he had an excellent work ethic. If Dennis Troha puts a casino in Kenosha, you can be sure that his employees will NOT be paid well.

Anonymous said...


Good post. I am learning about this casino nightmare and even though I don't live in the immediate Kenosha area, I am concerned for the good of the whole state, and see this as a way of funnelling money out of our state's economy into the Connecticut tribe's hands that are partnered with Dennis Troha.

I was not aware of his mistreatment of employees but find that equally appalling. Something should be done about these off-reservation casinos--it seems that anyone with land off an interstate highway exit ramp must be thinking of partnering with an indian tribe to buy into the casino business and I think we've got enough of them already.

Thank you for the information.

Julie said...

Thanks for posting. I do not believe in off-reservation casinos, especially if the tribe is not from the local area. I don't know a lot about the Potawatomi casino, but I believe the tribe is at least from around here. Also, the tribe puts a lot of money back into the community. I don't think a Connecticut tribe is going to spend the money on the community that Kenosha county could use.

I just saw an article that in 2005, Wisconsin's tribal gambling receipts of $1.2 billion ranks 9th among the 23 states that have Indian casinos. But, Wisconsin ranks fourth for the money collected (almost $71 million) in casino revenue-sharing payments.

So, we must be doing something right.

If we let a man like Dennis Troha have anything to do with a casino in Kenosha, you can be sure the only guy getting rich will be Dennis Troha.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

"I know how to use a baseball bat."

Troha said that, Julie?
And that doesn't scare those ignorant sheep who voted to allow this damned casino in when other towns were voting 'No'?
The same stupid sheep who also voted for Paradise Key with its shadowy organized-crime figures back in 1999 until Gov. McCallum saved us at the last second? And then they jumped right back into the frying pan and approved this one?

I remember Robert DeNiro with his baseball bat in "The Untouchables".

Someday one of you stupid sheep could find yourself on the wrong end of that baseball bat.

Julie, thanks for posting that warning. It's a lonely battle, isn't it?

Julie said...

Thanks for posting.

Yes, according to the news article I read on that is what he said.

Troha's whole gamut is that he buys the business and then hires family members to work it, so if Dennis Troha gets his wish, his family will all have high paying jobs. ATC Leasing just recently (according to my sources) removed the last of the Trohas from the business. Good for them.

I should note that ATC Leasing is now back to Christmas parties and company picnics now that the Troha family has nothing to do with the company.

And, yes, sometimes I really do find myself in a very lonely battle.

Anonymous said...

Tribe not from around here! Do you realize that is orginal Menominee Land in Kenosha. Your motives are racist!

Julie said...

Well, thanks for posting, but I assure you that my motives are not racist by any means. The facility is an off reservation casino. The tribe, from every single thing I've read, is not from around here. They are from Connecticut. I won't argue the point that there is "original Menominee Land in Kenosha," but I will argue that my motives have nothing to do with race. Dennis Troha is a rotten boss and business man. He is anti-union and pays less than competivtive wages. He builds his company on the backs of people who don't realize that when the economy's going good, they need to leave his company. I have never said anything against Indians or any other race for that matter on my blog, so to say that my motives are racist is just plain ignorance. I'm not for a tribe that isn't still in Wisconsin opening a casino. I don't believe that they will care all that much about the community. However; if Dennis Troha backs out and no longer has ANYTHING to do with this casino, I just might change my mind about being opposed to it. Until then, I stand behind my original statement that Dennis Troha is bad for Kenosha and bad for Wisconsin.

BTW, I don't appreciate the fact that you are too whatever to be a grown up and post your name. To call someone a racist anonymously is being a coward.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Julie said...

I have never before removed a comment from my blog, but this one went too far and I won't be called trailer trash by someone who doesn't have enough guts to be anything but anonymous. The post that was removed said the following:
"I'm surprised you don't support a local casino because they usually have buffets and I'm sure you wouldn't mind the "all-you-can-eat" fare. Why is all the compaining always coming from trailer trash who criticize, but don't do anything themselves to make improvements in the community?"

I guess I should be happy that the jerk who posted it could at least spell all the words right.

If you want to post on my blog and say you don't agree with me, fine, I don't care, but you're not sticking around if you're going to attack me personally. You have no idea what I do or don't do for my community. You have no idea what I spend my life doing, so don't make judgements about me.

Anonymous said...

"attack you personally"?? isn't that what you are doing to a man you don't know yourself? Did you not call him names? You are saying that I don't know you so I shouldn't attack you personally, but you are such a fat ass hyprocrite that you can dish it out but not take it in? How fucking funny is that? Now are you not going to post this? Of course not, because it exposes your true self.

Kenosha has been waiting for someone with some balls to do something for a long time. People like you do nothing but complain and offer no solutions to problems. You drain our health care system because you develop heart disease at the age of 45 because you can't stay away from the kitchen or a fast food line. You probably never contribute to any cause. You know nothing about a man that has helped Kenosha's needy and is constantly giving back to the community. As far as you comments about union-buster, you don't know about what you are talking about. As one of the largest employers in Kenosha, as others like Snap-On have failed, Mr. Troha's companies have long employed many Kenosha citizens, many who have been there for many, many years. If it is that bad there, then why is the turnover low? Also, the union busting you are talking about makes no sense as union jobs went from one union to another union (Teamsters to Machinists). It is well documented if you did any research on the topic, but you just choose to pick and choose what you post just to try and make someone look bad and your trailer trash self look good. It is entreprenuers that built this country, not complainers like you who do nothing, and any criticism of someone investing his personal wealth while potentially reaping the benefits of high risk, high reward investment and at the same time providing thousands of jobs with benefits to our community, truley goes against the foundation of our country. Perhaps you need to move somewhere where you can sit on your fat ass and have the government take care of you, because this country was built on doers like Mr. Troha.

Anonymous said...

The Potawatomi and their casino are located in the MENOMINEE VALLEY in Milwaukee. Julie, know your facts before spouting off.

Anonymous said...

Julie, are you against the many McDonalds located in the Kenosha/Racine area? Because, if not, you are a huge hyprocrite. With heart disease being the #1 killer in America, why not speak against an establishment that only adds to the problem (o.k, I think they offer a grilled chicken for those who care)? I'm sure you frequent the establishment and shove those Big Macs down your mouth like it is nothing, but then speak against a form of entertainment that many people like to frequent. When you start being more consistent with your thoughts versus just speaking from your massive ass, then maybe you'll make sense. In the meantime, keep frequenting McDonalds and places like that so that the taxpayers can fund your non-insured ass when you require medical attention for severe obesity and heart disease. The rest of us will be visiting the Kenosha casino where the public as TWICE VOTED YES to.

Julie said...

First, the tribe who is attempting to open the casino with Troha is NOT from Wisconsin at all. They are a Connecticut tribe and do NOT have an affilation with Wisconsin. Period. Do your own research.

Anonymous said...

Once again, you are show how much of an idiot you are. It has been well documented that the Menominee approached the Potawatomi on a number occasions about partnering with them on the Kenosha project. They were seeking an experienced partner and wanted to work together and create a strong partnership in Southeastern Wisconsin, where studies have shown could easily support more than one casino. The Potawatomi refused to even speak to them about it as their greed prevented them from seeing the benefits of capturing a larger component of the gaming market.

The Connecticut tribe successfully operates a $1 billion + casino. It was constructed on a similar scale to the one being planned in Kenosha. After Potawatomi ignored Menominee requests to talk about the Kenosha casino, Menominee sought out another partner; one that has successfully operated a casino/entertainment facility similar to what is being planned in Kenosha. This is where your ignorance really stands out. The tribe attempting to open a casino with Troha is MENOMINEE. The Connecticut tribe is simply the operator of the casino for a short period of time. This would allow the Menominee to learn how to operate this huge facility. Once again, as I have already reminded you what country you live in, they will be paid for operating the casino for the limited duration that they would be acting as operators. I know you have a problem with anyone trying to make money so this is probably difficult for you. Are you paid for work you do??

The Menominee are doing this so that they can open a 1st rate casino and take to time to learn from an experienced group. You say this is a problem because money would be flowing out of the state? Let me try and understand this argument. Probably 95% of the establishments you frequent and spend money at ultimately benefit the pockets of the investors behind the investment who live outside of Racine/Kenosha & the State of Wisconsin. Unless every place you spend your disposable income at is a local mom & pop shop, you are, once again, being a hyprocrite because those profits are flowing back to corporate offices & investors located all around the country and the world. When you eat five big macs at McDonald's, aren't you giving your money to McDonald's shareholders that are located all over the world, or do they just all live in Wisconsin? And since you are doing it on your own free will, there is no problem is there? How is the Kenosha project any different? The Kenosha casino will provide jobs & extensive benefits for thousands of people in the local community. Naturally, some of the profits will go to those who invested, with extremely high risk, their own capital. In America, we call that risk & reward. Over time, millions and millions more dollars will flow to the State of Wisconsin and the local community, including Kenosha Unified schools. The rest will go to Menominee which, by law, is required to be the primary beneficiary. The Menominee do have deep roots into the Kenosha area if you would have done any research prior to flapping your pointless complaints (jealous?). The Potawatomi, who refuse to acknowlede that Kenosha even exists, are now expanding their existing casino in the MENOMINEE VALLEY (look it up idiot) because there is so much demand in the area.

The next time you decide to criticize people that are doers and improve the local communities and the quality of life of its citizens, perhaps you should offer your solutions as to how to improve the community and create jobs and jobs with good benefits. Since I know you are primarily just a waste of space and a drain on our health care system (I would assume based on your size), I will not anticipate you doing anything to help the local economy. Myself, along with thousands and thousands in Kenosha, look forward to the project and appreciate what Mr. Troha has to offer to the community and local business. He puts his own funds at stake and you have a problem with return on investment. You are a disgrace to the USA and what it stands for. As you say, "God Bless" because you WILL need it as you continue to poisen your body with fat & calories and drain our health care system.

Anonymous said...

FYI--The Menominee Tribe is the longest known resident of what is now Wisconsin. The Menominee tribe is the aboriginal tribe who resided in the area where Kenosha and Milwaukee now stand.

The Potawatomi migrated from the Eastern Coast of what is now known as the United States in the 1500s. (An area near the Connecticut-Mohegan tribe)

I agree with the many who posted that you did not do your homework! (I am a member of the Menominee Nation and also a Native American Studies Instructor)

Today, I read where Troha has pulled out of the Kenosha Project, so are you happy? Will you now consider that it could be a good economic development for the Kenosha area and the state of Wisconsin who will receive it's fair share of revenues?

Julie said...

I'm glad that Troha pulled out of the project.

However; I'm not sure whether or not a casino is the way to go to create an economic boom. Isn't there something else we could build that would bring jobs and tax revenue to the area?

Also, while I did say that the Menominee tribe is from this area, it is still true that the tribe that wishes to build this casino is from Connecticut and not from Kenosha.

Anonymous said...

I am an employee of ATC for quite some time now. So just because you have a gripe do not include the rest of us. Quite honestly the recent changes are not for the better.

Also I believed the citizens of Kenosha voted on the casino in 2 different elections. Those were both approved with a resounding yes. The casino would also deposit a significant amount of tax money into our school system and community.

As far as calling Dennis Troha cheap why don't you do your homework and look at the massive amounts of money he and his wife have given to the community over the years. Ask the kids at the Boys and Girls club how they like having a constructive safe place to go instead of hanging out in our streets.

Finally I would like to say that I would not doubt that the recent investigations by the FBI are a product of a corrupt bureau with ties to the Potowatami tribe. They are the largest opposition to competition. It must be nice working in an environment that your business has a legal monopoly.

Julie said...

You know it's easy to give money when you're a millionaire. I give a lot of my money to various charities, but no one is patting me on my back when I do because I don't earn the kind of money that allows $100,000 donations. How you treat your employees would be a bigger guide for me on whether or not you're cheap.

As far as the changes at ATC Leasing, the new company has started having company picnics and Christmas parties again. This past year, they gave $100.00 gift cards to their employees at Christmas time. Prior to that, Troha stopped giving bonuses to employees more than seven years ago. They've recently purchased a very nice building out on I-94 so their employees can now all be in one building.

How can any of these changes be bad?

Finally, just because the citizens of Kenosha have been fooled into thinking a casino is a good thing, doesn't mean that it is. I personally do not believe that this state needs one more casino. How many casinos do we need? This is promoting a vice. Would you feel the same if the county of Kenosha could legalize prostitution and make millions in tax dollars off of that? This whole country is going to hell in a handbasket and we should be promoting places that families can attend together, even if it means less tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

The tribe that is "building the casino" in Kenosha is the Menominee tribe with the financial backing from the Connecticut tribe. Eventually, the Connecticut tribe will pull out all together.

Families can and do frequent casinos for various reasons. There are Kids Quests and Arcades for age-appropriate children. Families go to many of the hotels with swimming pools and restaurants that are part of the casino atmosphere.

Another kind of business? Personally, I would hope you are not advocating another industrial polluting business. We are overrun with those.

How many casinos are in Wisconsin? Surely not enough off-reservation casinos. Why discriminate against a tribal owned business? It will be paying its fair share of taxes. You are beginning to sound ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Aw Dennis, say it ani't so!

susie said...

What gets me is the location of the proposed casino. It will be located right in the area of Kenosha that is being rapidly developed for residential use. The buyers in that area are mainly from Illinois. They work there and spend their money in Kenosha--not only on homes, but restaruants, groceries, movies, haircuts,lawn care,.... They also pay substantially more in property taxes than others in the city, if only because their new homes are more expensive. The one thing they don't want to see in their neighborhood is a casino. It just seems Kenosha is shooting itself in the foot by alienating a growing group which pays lots of taxes and spends lots of money in the city. And they do this for...increased crime? A strain on the police and emergency services? Low paying jobs? They tried to have their voice heard during the election, but the west side of town is still a minority. This is one crazy town.

Anonymous said...

I read how the company gave $100.00 gift cards out to their employees at christmas time and how D. Troha did not give out raises in the last 7 years. But have you thought that before it was owned by his family and now big time investors/company? No, so it certainly sounds like jealousy! It is time for all the fat asses to get up and get jobs. Enough of the complaining. D. Troha came from nothing to be a multi millionaire and you do nothing but criticize him. I also read you calling him a son of a bitch. Nice that someone who ends her blog with god bless starts with such bad language. I guess the fact that you fucking fat lesbian ass is jealous and sits around eating while having you buzz cut girlfriend feed you french fries and chocolate cake. I hope you go to hell for your comments and you both contract some STD that came from one of your other carpet munching group girlfriends. I am sure some sort of disease exists when you sit around eating food and each other while not showering with your sweaty asses. Try not to have your relatives follow your footsteps by eating your way to death and bitching about a citizen you don't even know. I ask you post this blog but watch out for the chocolate getting on your keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Troha gives more to charity than most of us will make in a lifetime. He is a good man and has improved the lives of countless Kenoshans. You're being awfully tough on him. I'd like to see your itemized deductions every year and see how much you give back to the community.

If owning your own business and building personal wealth disgusts you, then move to a Socialist country...Business owners get a bad rap from people who've got no clue what it costs to not only employ people, but to KEEP them employed. There would be no unions if there were no business owners willing to employ!

Julie said...

I really don't think Dennis Troha gives more to charity than I'll earn in a lifetime. However; the fact remains that while he ran the company, the employees did not get raises -- even in the good years. How you treat your employees -- where it doesn't work out to a hefty tax deduction -- holds more weight with me than charitiable donations. Of course, the company is having a difficult time right now and they aren't giving raises. Hopefully, the investment company that owns it can turn it around and start giving their employees raises. By the way, I've met the man and I really didn't like him much.

Anonymous said...

The vast majority of people know little of just how much Troha has done for Kenosha. He is a good man and has given back in countless ways - not just monetarily.
If a company is judged on hoe many raises it gives, you'd be surprised to learn just how many actually don't. Owners assume all the risk financially, it's only natural they should enjoy the payoff if their risks happen to turn into success - which many do not. The fact is many familes were able to put food on their tables and pay their mortgages because of they way Troha ran his company.
By the way, just because you have met someone doesn't mean you know them.

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is that the City AND County of Kenosha approved of the Menominee casino in voter referendums.

All this talk of money being funneled out of WI is ridiculous. It's nothing but propaganda that was started by the Potawatami because they are afraid that the new casino will cut into their profits, even though economic analyzes show that the market is big enough for both tribes. Like stated above, the Mohegans will be out of Kenosha after 8 years of being contracted the manage the casino. Lots of tribal casinos contract for outside firms to manage.

Anonymous said...

Troha donates all that money to highly visible causes because he's a big show off. If he was geniune he would donate anonymously

Anonymous said...

if you only knew. I watched the money fly away then and now. unreal.

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Anonymous said...

Lez-be-honst your just a hater. You should have some respect for someone that employed your wife for so long. Take your narrow-minded hate to china.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. All of you people hating on Dennis Troha. He could probably buy your whole generation out even during this inflation crisis