Why? That's all I need to ask -- why? Why is the Senate wasting taxpayer money when the majority of abortions occur to 40 + year old women? How many underage abortions do they really think they are preventing?
Now, all of you know that I am pro-life and anti-abortion, BUT what is this going to do to that underage girl who's parents are going to absolutely flip if they find out she's pregnant? Answer me that. If she is so fearful of her parents that she doesn't discuss her pregnancy with them, what makes you think she's going to come clean about the abortion? What makes you think that she will give birth to a happy and healthy baby and all will end well? This isn't an after school special -- this is real life -- and either she'll kill the kid after she gives birth or it'll grow up knowing that it wasn't really wanted. Not many kids give their babies up for adoption.
So, thanks US Senate for wasting your time on a doesn't do much bill and, if you're pregnant with no where to turn and don't want the baby -- don't abort. Drop it off at my house. I'll raise it as my own.
God Bless
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