I often complain about work, but it is where I spend the majority of my time. I can't understand how someone who makes good money can consistently not step it up when volunteers are needed to jump right in. It happened again today and what really upsets me is twofold: since she didn't volunteer, our boss would never assign the project to her. It just won't happned -- it hasn't happened before. And, I can't understand how she is allowed to keep her job in today's economy. Shouldn't only the hardworking individuals be allowed to work?
Drives me nuts.
So, if you're looking for a hardworking Data analyst with skills in SQL, Crystal Reports, Cognos, VB, VBA, HTML and limited knowledge of PHP. Please send me an email.
God Bless
UPDATE: I couldn't believe it, but the boss actually gave her the assignment. You could've knocked me over with a feather. First time that has ever happened!
Okay, I guess my excuse is that it's late in the evening and I just got home from vacation this afternoon, but as I was reading your post I was wondering, "Who in the heck is Jo Boffer??"
You must be tired -- Job Offer. LOL!
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