Top Of My Head

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Email I received...

From last Thursday until very early Saturday morning, I was in the Big Apple.  I wasn't there for fun, but I would like to say that everyone is really nice in New York.  I knew this from my last visit in 1994.  On Saturday, I returned and attended a co-worker's wedding reception -- very nice.  Sunday, I went to Cederberg with friends.  All in all it was a very busy four days and I didn't have a lot of time for blogging or emailing.  I did read the comments on my blog post regarding Sarah Palin and I'll be responding to those as soon as I can.

However; I found the following in my email box and I wanted to pass it on.  I haven't had a chance to check it out, but if you do, please let me know what you thought.  (Clicking the link will open a new window.)

In the face of a campaign promising to descend even further into the
mud, I present a political movement that voters of all political
affiliations can get behind:

I Poop and I Vote.

Check it out at!

Because America needs a changing!

Downloadable posters and graphics are available at
Please help me spread the word-and actually raise the level of discourse
in this campaign!

Dave Praeger
I Poop and I Vote

Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I have become addicted to this video on youtube.  I'm including it here.

I could sleep for a week and I still would feel tired!

God Bless!

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