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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bill O'Reilly

I don't always agree with Bill O'Reilly and most of the time I think he's a jerk (but I love watching his visits on the View). I'm going to push this aside. I found the below quote on Time magazine's website. If Bill O'Reilly has to come to the Obama's aid, you know the media has NOT been unkind to the GOP. But don't tell them that. They are so out of touch with America that they don't know good coverage when they see/hear/read it.*

Open quoteFor anyone to say that Barack Obama consciously compared Mrs. Palin to a pig is unfair.Close quote

  • Fox anchor, blasting the McCain campaign and the media for insinuating that the Democrat's use of the phrase "lipstick on a pig" referred to the Republican vice-presidential nominee

God Bless

* But, after watching the GOP destroy this nation for the last eight years, I wouldn't really expect them to do anything more than whine that they're being unfairly treated.

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