Top Of My Head

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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Rude People

Last night, Cheryl and I go to Grayslake, IL to sing Karaoke with my mom and dad. Okay, truth time, Dad and Cheryl don't sing. Dad doesn't sing because, well, I love him, but he sucks at singing. And, Cheryl is too shy. She has a pretty voice, but no confidence.
Anyway, turns out the Last Chance Saloon is holding qualifiying rounds for their Karaoke contest. Mom and I sign up and -- I won't hold you in suspense, we qualified. Not to brag, but I didn't really have much doubt that we would. We're pretty good singers.
What I couldn't understand is what was up with the crowd. They were pretty loud and obnoxious -- even by bar standards. You could hardly hear yourself sing, much less whomever was up there singing. What I really couldn't understand is how rude the friends of the singers were. They would make so much noise during everyone else's performances it was unbelievable, but they didn't even quiet down for their own friends. You'd think they'd be a little quiet so you could hear the person they came to hear, wouldn't you?
Well, I'm sure it'll be a little better once the finals get underway next month.
God Bless

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