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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Rove a No Show

A Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed both Scott Jennings and Karl Rove, according to a CNN article.  However, Mr. Rove thinks that he is somehow above the law and "refused to show up".

Well, that must be a nice feeling to be above the law.  If you or I had been subpoenaed and we didn't appear, I'm sure we're be sitting in jail right about now.

This executive privilege crap has got to go.  Our founding fathers never wanted to create an imperial presidency, but that's what we have now.  And, it's wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. 

God Bless


Unknown said...

While I have not yet made up my mind about executive privilege (there are some things that need to be kept private, and others that don't) the power to subpoena isn't exactly a Constitutional power granted to Congress either. Congress is not a court of law. So what should happen is the Congressional committee investigating the administration should file a suit, grievance, or petition (whatever the exact wording would be, Im no lawyer) in court and let the courts decide how much executive privilege should be extended to the administration in this case. Otherwise, both sides might as well be shredding the Constitution.

Julie said...

Good point, Zach. I think our system of check and balances that our founding fathers envisioned is slowly falling apart.