Today is day two of my not smoking. I had stopped smoking back in 1996 and then I fell off the wagon and quit again. This last time, I just started around four months ago. You would think that this would be easy, but I woke up yesterday morning wanting a cigarette and I work up this morning wanting a cigarette.
Now, every time I've quit smoking prior to now, I've never used that Nicorette gum. I have used Wellbutrin, but that doesn't seem to be working anymore. So, last night while I was in Walgreen's, I decided I should try some of this gum.
Let me tell you, this is the worst tasting gum I've ever had. My throat hurt, the fruity flavor isn't very fruity. There has to be something better!
But, I didn't read the instructions and now I learn from the Nicorette site that I wasn't chewing the gum correctly.
I don't know if this is going to work, but at least I'm trying. I have to try this time. Cheryl was not only mad when she discovered I was smoking again, but she was really pissed to discover that I was smoking Pall Malls! Apparently, that's the brand her father smoked and he died of lung cancer.
God Bless
Great for you! Not if you can stop your fat ass from eating you might be on your way to getting under 400 pounds! Your happy that you took two days to quit smoking? Great, I am glad not only do I not have to smell your smoke but maybe it might lower weight and we will not have to smell your B.O. Has a job reached your way yet or are you still married to the soaps, lard, and your fat ass girlfriend putting her head between your blubber raps? Try not to sink to the bottom of your pool by maybe chaining yourself to the house to stay above water.
I'll bet you think you're pretty slick, don't you? But, you won't be quite so slick when your employer gets an email telling them that instead of working all day, you harass people on blogs. You see, you shouldn't post to blogs unless you're sure you'll truly be anonymous.
You see, you're proving each time you post that you're not very smart. You can't spell and it is apparent that you know nothing about me. Considering where you work, I truly feel safe in saying I earn at least twenty grand more a year than you do.
So, try not to sweat too much while your wondering just when your employer will bust you for not doing your job.
Dear Anonymous,
I've been reading Julie's blog for quite a while and I happen to know that she has more class in her pinky than you do in your whole body. I hope your employer busts you and you find yourself on the unemployment line.
I'll bet that everything you say about her is true about you.
A Friend
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