Top Of My Head

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jury Duty -- Here I come!

As strange as this is going to sound, I am thrilled about being called for Jury Duty. Since I was a kid, I wanted to sit on a jury. I wanted to weigh in the facts and decide whether the person was guilty or innocent. I wanted to see a trial from start to finish.

You can't imagine how thrilled I am that I've finally received my letter from the Clerk of Circuit Court. This is so cool.

Everyone else around me thinks that I'm nuts (except my sister-in-law, Robyn), but I couldn't be more thrilled.

I hope I get picked.

God Bless


Anonymous said...

Remember what a wisewoman said, "How can it be a jury of my peers? These are people that couldn't get out of jury duty!"

Julie said...

Thanks for the laugh.