Top Of My Head

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Hello, it's the Government, we're reading your mail...

When I was a kid, my father had a rule that no one in the house was allowed to open anyone else's mail.  I couldn't open his and my mom's and they couldn't open mine and my brothers'.  Dad always said that opening another person's mail was a federal offense.  I don't think he made that big of a deal out of it, but enough of a big deal that it stuck with me.

Now, the President of the United States (see article here) has decided that yes, Virginia, there is a spy reading your mail.

And, that's just wrong.


Somehow, President Bush seems to think that he is a King and can order just any damn thing he wants.  If the line item veto was considered unconstitutional, just how are Bush's signing statements legal?

He is circumventing the justice system and is spitting on the very consitution thousands of Americans have died to protect.

And, this is okay?

We're not at war -- only Congress can declare a war and they haven't.  So, why is Bush allowed to do these things?

Our founding fathers put together three branches of government to make sure that there were checks and balances.  However; we've lost our way in this country and we're letting the King get his way.

We need to put a stop to Bush's power grab now -- not later -- before unrepairable damage is done to our rights.

Finally, if you disagree, stop and think a moment -- would you want a democrat president reading your mail?

God Bless

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