For three days -- December 23, 24 & 25th -- I didn't watch the news, read a newspaper or listen to the radio (outside of Christmas music). It was great.
Who needs news when there is Christmas to think about?
What I did do was get to spend time with my family -- and isn't that the most important thing?
On Christmas Eve, Scott and family came up for dinner. Brian, my son, and his fiance, Heather, came a little after dinner. A nice time was had by all. We exchanged some presents and basically hung out. We did manage to catch the last half of "It's a Wonderful Life". A very good movie, which is no longer played like crazy, which is a shame.
My mom -- who is out of the hospital, thanks for asking -- is feeling pretty good and she was in her element Christmas giving orders on how to prepare the meal. We didn't have ham like we usually do -- my brother, Scott, and his wife do not like ham. (Which is crazy? Who doesn't like ham?) So, we had turkey, which I don't like, but he is Mom's favorite, so who am I to complain?
Kim should be here with Dustin and da boys within the next couple of days, so Christmas continues.
By the way, am I the only person who misses the Christmas songs on December 26th?
God Bless
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