This is old news, but a little relavant especially since I am still receiving comments on the Kenosha casino blog I wrote way back in July. I still stand behind that blog, by the way. Kenosha doesn't need a casino. Kenosha needs to be courting Chrysler to build it's proposed engine plant I've heard rumors about.
Apparently, the MGM Mirage Casino in Las Vegas was in talks with the Menominee tribe to bring a MGM casino here. But, the Menominee tribe was insistent that Dennis Troha be involved and the MGM people said no.
Wonder why?
Actually, they said it was because they needed no more partners, but the Menominee tribe insisted that Troha's political clout was needed and that was the end of talks with MGM. Real shame, as the MGM Mirage people really know how to run a casino, afterall they run 15 of them worldwide.
So, if Troha had done the right thing and walked away, would Kenosha have a casino? I don't know. Doyle seems to pretty much squash that bug by selling "the Potawatomi a gaming monopoly covering a 50-mile radius from its Milwaukee casino", which really makes all this casino talk pretty much moot.
Also, from what I can tell the bills in both the House and the Senate that would limit off-reservation gambling look stalled, unless I just didn't find the article that said they passed. Somehow, even with bipartisan support, Congress can't pass the bills, but I'm still researching this, as I can't find an article that includes the number of the bills.
In any case, I'm still against a casino in Kenosha. But, why don't we take that dog track land and build a water park and a small amusement park? Why let Gurnee have all the fun? Plus, that would provide entertainment the entire family could enjoy. Green Bay has a little park with small rides and a wading pool and on the day we were there, it was packed with people. (I think it's called Bay Beach.) I'm sure Kenosha could do something like that.
But, that'll never happen because some moron would probably stand in the way of good, clean fun and prevent it from happening.
God Bless
PS. I'd like to offer a special blessing to my new pal who writes anonymous comments attacking me and my weight, because obviously he isn't smart enough or have enough confidence in himself to make an educated comment without being mean spirited. Nor, since he keeps insisting that I'm unemployed, uneducated and uninsured, is he someone who even knows anything about me. So, let's all ask God to watch over him, because I'm sure he needs special care.
Sure, you won't respond to very valid points that dispute your inaccuracies, at best. So now you are trying to imply that MGM didn't want Mr. Troha involved for some unknown, mysterious reason. Again, more bullshit from Julie. Kenosha wanted a project that involved local investors, or developer in this case, so that the project would be for the benefit of the Menominee AND the city of Kenosha. It was important from a local government standpoint that there was some Kenosha influence. MGM was never considered as a prospective developer by the city. Now this proves how much of a hypocrite you really are. So you are basically saying that MGM should have allowed to back this project although you criticize the Connecticut involvement as it current exists? An MGM project, as developer, versus the Mohegan involvement as short term operators of the casino is a huge difference in dollars leaving the state as you like to complain about. You are so good at putting your own foot in your mouth. Also, do you really have to pull this little blurb of a news-story from way back when and post it on your home page? Are you really that desperate that you will grab at anything to defend your nonsense?
As far as comments about your weight, it was to prove a point and that it definately did. You stated your opposition to the Kenosha casino project by stating, "Dennis Troha is a cheap son of a bitch". What a fucking hypocrite you are. To state that about a man you know nothing about and who has dedicated most of his life to helping those in need and this city, while receiving many, many humanitarian awards and honors, is no different than me stating, "Julie is a fat piece of shit" because I don't agree with an opinion of yours. However, while Mr. Troha has proven to be anything but cheap, you ARE a fat piece of shit and a perfect example of why our health care system is the way it is. People like me and other citizens that take care of themselves have to pay for the medical problems caused by those that treat their bodies like a garbage can. What really makes it all so funny is that you call someone a cheap son of a bitch and then end your statements with "God Bless". So what that really makes you is a "hypocritical, fat piece of shit".
When you are able to defend your fact-less comments about anything pertaining to our city and our citizens, please post them as I would like to see it. Maybe you should stick to your own city issues (or Kenosha's ghetto before you hit Milwaukee as we like to refer to Racine as) and talk about anyone in Racine that is doing anything to create jobs and wealth in the area. Please don't mention Wal-Mart, although I know it is a like a resort for you trailer trash people.
It's pretty bad that a person who continues to pound on Mr. Troha and says "god bless" in the same paragraph calling him a "son of a bitch". Don't pound on him and worry about taking your pounds. I am more upset that the welfare being dished out in this state provides comfort for people like you. Do you work or do you throw stones at people all day without even knowing the full story? I have some ideas: 1.) Know what the hell you are talking about before writing lies 2.) Walk your ass down to unemployment and get yourself a job 3.) Walk back home as it will help you burn more calories off your ass. Maybe bring your dog with you so you can see how much you are out of shape because you cannot keep up with a dog walking at 4 MPH 4.)Why not call Mr. Troha a "fat son of a bitch" since he has some extra pounds on him? Wait that would not be right since you should look in the mirror and also because people in glass houses should not throw stones. 5.) Worry about Racine more since it is such beautiful city! Let's see they have a super walmart, menards, Regency Mall and crime. Wow! Great city! Use Racine's great places to visit by walking your fat ass comments off instead writing them in an article.
I think I will get back to WORK now. What is that? A place to go to have a life and earn money by yourself instead of scamming off the government. Wow! Real hard to get off your ass and work. Try it..
Why anonymous? Because I just went shopping and want my food pantry to be safe.
Oh, good, you came back. Gee thanks for posting. It is for the people like you that I write my blog. I wouldn't want to miss one day of some anonymous coward calling me a fat ass and assuming that I don't have a full time job.
So, I do hope God Blesses you, as it sounds like you probably need all the blessings our Lord and Father can dish out to you.
God Bless
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