However, CNN was nice enough to print President Carter's remarks. I don't feel that President Carter was making a dig -- he was stating a fact:
"It was difficult for them personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the targets of secret government wiretapping, other surveillance."Like it or not, that happened -- illegal wiretaps and, like it or not, this administration has done its fairshare of illegal wiretaps.
If you read the entire transcript, you would think that ONLY liberals made any protests or did anything inappropriate. Now, since I don't hear the King family disagreeing with anything that was said, how can anyone say it was inappropriate. If the King family wasn't offended, no one else should take offense.
(Plus, they act like Pres Bush did the Kings a favor for showing up and making nice. I really resent that. The King family did a favor for by not asking him not to come so he could have his photo ops. Plus, Bush isn't supported by 49% of the population, that isn't a small minority, that's nearly half the nation. I'm sure he's a big enough man to realize some people aren't going to like him or his policies.)
Anyway, what you won't read in the transcript of the interview with Jeff Greenfield is what I found in another article regarding the funeral:
"Funeral-goers were met outside the church by a protest by members of the Westboro Baptist Church. The Topeka, Kansas-based congregation is known for its anti-gay stands and frequently pickets the funerals of people supportive of gay rights, as Mrs. King was."
Apparently, Mr. Greenfield thinks that protesting should be reserved for those on the far right and not the far left.
Isn't that just like a conservative?
God Bless.
PS. Godspeed, Mrs. King, may God grant you a very special place in Heaven above.
First of all you need to hear the whole story before you can comment on it. Second of all Carter failed to mention, with Teddy Kennedy sitting right there, that it was JFK president and Robert Kennedy Atty. General (Democrats)that authorized the ILLEGAL wiretaps of the Kings.
This administration has NOT illegally wiretapped anybody. We are at WAR. Bush is well within his constitutional and congressional rights. Anyone that thinks that it was illegal is ignoring the other half of the story. It is foreign intelligence gathering to prevent attacks in our country.
To get back to the original point,Jimmy Carter's use of the keywords "illegal wiretapping" is meant to incite negative views of the current administration. I heard, not all, but quite a bit of the funeral. Bush was respectful, and polite. He DIDN'T take the opportunity to make political statements and turn a FUNERAL into a political debate. The Democrats will take ANY opportunity to do ANYTHING to advance their non-existing agenda. They know no limits of degradation and mean spiritedness. A funeral is a sacred ceremony to honor the DECEASED, not some half baked political rally.
Now to get to the protesters. NOBODY should be able to protest AT anyone's funeral. I don't care how much you despise that person and/or his or her beliefs/agenda. As I said, a funeral is a sacred ceremony for friends and family to celebrate the life of the deceased. It is the ultimate in selfishness, self importance and disrespect to protest at or near any funeral especially if you are in view or earshot of the mourners. Anybody that believes that this is acceptable in a civilized society is obviously not capable of being a functional asset to that society. Right or wrong not right or left.
War or not, the current administration has committed illegal wiretaps. I don't care who ordered them -- conservative or liberal -- illegal wiretaps are wrong. Read the FISA -- it does not give the President any right to order wiretaps within the borders of the United States without a warrant.
Have you read the constitution? No where in that great document does it say that the President of the United States of America is allowed to be above the law. Remember Nixon? When he illegally spied, he had to resign.
You can believe what you want, but since I can't read President Carter's mind and heart, I don't know if his statement was a dig on the current administration or not. It is my opinion that he was mentioning one of many hardships Rev and Mrs. King had to endure.
Further, my whole point was that when the right-wing media reported on the funeral, they only pointed to what they thought were digs on the right and they didn't report on the Westboro protesters. If you only watched Jeff Greenfield, you would think that only the left made improper comments and you wouldn't hear about the right-wing protestors that were outside.
Finally, I can comment on anything I damn well please in this country. That's what makes it a great country. Unlike you, I didn't have time to watch the whole funeral.
Your sister
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