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Monday, January 30, 2006

Senate overturns Veto on Concealed Carry

It comes as no surprise that the Wisconsin Senate voted to overturn the governor's veto on the Concealed Carry bill. Now, on Tuesday, the Assembly will hold their vote.

We need to stop this from being overturned.

First, there is no proof that concealed carry states are safer than non concealed carry states.

Second, I think the villilante shooting last week in Racine is proof that it is way too easy to get a weapon in this state.

Third, the bill still does not allow law enforcement officers, responding to domestic disputes to know that the home has a concealed carry permit holder inside. (If the Republicans want to make the state safer, maybe, they should start with making it safe for the men and women who on a daily basis put their lives on the line to protect the citizens of this state. It is fact that the majority of police killed in the line of duty are killed while responding to domestic disputes.)

Contact your representative, today.

God Bless


Anonymous said...

Have you ever read that thing called the "Constitution" there is this thing calle the 2nd amendment. You should look it up. You might learn something.

Julie said...

I have looked it up -- it's apparent that if you support conceal carry that you haven't read the consititution.

The Second Amendment reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

But, we no longer have a need for independent citizens acting as a militia. We have police officers , National Guard members and a Federal Military -- we don't need average citizens packing heat.

Plus, I didn't say that I would not support concealed carry, I said that I didn't support this concealed carry bill. I even went as far as to outline some of the reasons why I didn't support SB403 in an earlier post.

God Bless