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Saturday, December 30, 2006

They Really Did It...

Holy cow!  They really hanged Saddam Hussein!  I can't believe it. I'm sure he couldn't believe it either.  I did not think that we would really hang someone or allow someone to be hanged.  Plus, although I didn't see the entire video, CNN has a nice shot of Hussein in his noose.

Are we really that barbaric? 

I guess so.

But, here's what I want to know...

We start a war with Iraq.  We have Iraq's ex-leader hanged for a crime committed 24 years ago.  And, Bin Laden -- who is related to the Saudi royal family and who killed over 3,000 Americans -- is still running free.

We can kill all the Middle East leaders we want, but until we actually capture someone who has directly harmed America, I don't care.

God Bless

Friday, December 29, 2006

Donald Trump

Perhaps, I've missed something. I haven't watched the View all week and my DVR gave out, so I missed it last week, too. I didn't hear Rosie's comments about Donald Trump, except a small snippet played on the radio. I have heard a huge portion of Trump's comments, which I think are out of line.

Now, I see on that Trump is saying that Rosie's girlfriend (Donald, they were married a couple of years ago, so Kelly is Rosie's wife) needs to trade up. This disgusts me to no end. Would he get way with this speech if Rosie was a man married/dating a woman? Probably not.

And, why are we giving this blowhard the time of day? (Especially myself, as I should know better).

While I admire Mr. Trump for moving on up, so to speak, I think he's going overboard. Let it go, Donald, just let it go. Continuing this feud is not helping anyone, least of all those of us who didn't want to be in the middle in the first place.

God Bless

Thursday, December 28, 2006

John Edwards for President

I like John Edwards, really I do. In fact, I think I voted for him in the primary when he ran the last time and I really voted for Kerry for just two reasons:
1) I dislike Bush
2) I like John Edwards.

BUT, did he have to throw his hat in the ring this early in the game? Can he really keep the momentum going all the way to the White House? I don't think so. Personally, I don't think anyone can.

Personally, I think discussing the next Presidential race when it is still a year away is just too soon. We have issues that need to be resolved now, not in two years when a new president takes over. I think our politicians spend way too much time campaigning and not enough time running the country, but maybe, that's just me.

God Bless

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

President Ford

I'm sure you have all ready heard the news about President Ford passing away at the age of 93. I just have four comments to make.

1) I remember him fondly as when my third grade class sent him letters -- way back in the last century -- we received letters back (although, I sure not signed by him) along with a picture of him and his family in the Oval office. I thought this was cool. I have never received a photo from any other president to whom I've written a letter.

2) I think he did a good thing when he pardoned Nixon because then we as a country could just move on. I'm sure, however; that's why Carter defeated him in the 1976 election.

3) Did you know that President Ford was the only President to have served as both President and Vice-President without being elected to either office? He was, also, our longest lived President -- according to my mother.

4) Finally, CNN quoted Jimmy Carter saying something nice about Ford and referred to former President Carter as "the former Georgia governor." (Read Story Here) Shouldn't it have said, "the former President"?

Godspeed, President Ford. I hope Heaven is all you have hoped for.

God Bless

Soldier's Remains...

Did you know this, because I didn't. If a soldier -- who served their country with honor -- is "convicted of capital crimes and sentenced to death or life imprisonment without parole from being interred at military cemeteries" (Read CNN article here). after being discharged, they cannot be buried in the national cemeteries.

I don't really think that's fair, do you?

Being buried in a national cemetery is a honor because you served your country, not for anything you did prior to serving your country or after. Apparently, the original bill was signed into law by President Clinton in 1997. However; due to the loophole that stated sentenced to death or life imprisonment without parole, Russell Wayne Wagner's remains were allowed to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

He was convicted of murdering two elderly people whether he was appealing this, I don't know. He would've been eligible for parole in 2017, but he died in prison of a heroin overdose. Back in January, President Bush removed the loophole that allowed Wagner to be buried in Arlington. Now, the law reads any capital crime. On Friday, President Bush signed the "veterans' health care and benefits bill" and attached to that bill was the order to remove Wagner's remains from Arlington. (I should note that Wagner did appeal his conviction -- Read that story here.)


Did the man serve his country well? Yes, he did. He was honorably discharged from the Army in 1969 after serving in Vietnam.

Did he have troubles after Vietnam? Yeah, apparently, he did.

Should we make his family remove his cremated remains because of those problems? No, we shouldn't.

I feel sorry for Vernon G. Davis (the son of the couple Wagner murdered). I can't imagine what kind of Hell he must be going through. But, I feel sorry for Wagner as well. A lot of Vietnam Vets fell through the cracks and ended up on the wrong side of the law. It doesn't negate the good they did while in the military.

But, I guess in today's world, it does and that's a shame.

God Bless

Please answer the poll to tell me what you think...


Yesterday, I arrived home from work (I have President's Day off of work, but NOT the day after Christmas -- go figure!) to find two little guys waiting for me.  Yep, da boys are back in town!  They'll be here until tomorrow, when they go see Grandpa in Illinois and they'll be back on Saturday to go to my parents.

Apparently, the only person who knew that they were coming was my mom, who is almost never in the loop!  She managed to keep it a secret from me.

So, this am, I was awaken by Danny singing a song and laughing at 6AM.  He managed to wake me and Alex.  I brought him into bed, but he was having no part of going back to sleep, so Cheryl took over and I got ready for work.  Gotta love them boys.

Alex was crying when I went to bed last night, so I brought him into bed with me.  He managed to sleep quite well, but I tossed and turned all night.  Somehow that little bundle of 30lbs of joy can take up most of the bed!  He kicks a lot and makes noises as he sleeps.  He's, also, fascinated by the ceramic Christmas tree that is in our bedroom.  He kept waking up and pointing at it, making sure to wake me as well, so I could look at the pretty lights with him.

I'm here at work, which means that I don't get to be home playing with them, which is a bummer, but we have all night. 

We had Christmas last night, but da boys were more interested in the bags and paper that wrapped the presents rather than the presents themselves.  Gotta love kids.  I swear if I gave them an empty box, they would be thrilled with that!

God Bless!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Did you have a Merry Christmas?

For three days -- December 23, 24 & 25th -- I didn't watch the news, read a newspaper or listen to the radio (outside of Christmas music).  It was great.

Who needs news when there is Christmas to think about?

What I did do was get to spend time with my family -- and isn't that the most important thing?

On Christmas Eve, Scott and family came up for dinner.  Brian, my son, and his fiance, Heather, came a little after dinner.  A nice time was had by all.  We exchanged some presents and basically hung out.  We did manage to catch the last half of "It's a Wonderful Life".  A very good movie, which is no longer played like crazy, which is a shame.

My mom -- who is out of the hospital, thanks for asking -- is feeling pretty good and she was in her element Christmas giving orders on how to prepare the meal.  We didn't have ham like we usually do -- my brother, Scott, and his wife do not like ham. (Which is crazy?  Who doesn't like ham?)  So, we had turkey, which I don't like, but he is Mom's favorite, so who am I to complain?

Kim should be here with Dustin and da boys within the next couple of days, so Christmas continues.

By the way, am I the only person who misses the Christmas songs on December 26th?

God Bless

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Family Video

Okay, is it just me or is it wrong for a place to call itself FAMILY Video when it will be opened from noon to midnight on CHRISTMAS?!? Don't they care whether or not their staff gets to have any family time? Who needs to be out there renting videos on Christmas Day? It's bad enough that there will be football being played when families need to spend time together.

We wonder what has happened to family values in this country and this is what has happened to family values. We have placed renting videos higher than spending time with our families. The right wing can blame gay people all they want for the deterioration of family values, but in reality capitalism is killing our family values.

God Bless!

M e r r y C h r i s t m a s !

Friday, December 22, 2006

Taking the high road...

The only thing I knew about Representative Keith Ellison was that he the first Muslim ever elected to Congress. That was yesterday.

Now, I've read a CNN article and I believe that he is a man of integrity.

Here's the background, Representative Goode is all up in arms about Representative Ellison wanting to use a Qu'ran when being sworn into Congress. Further, Goode has been making all kinds of remarks about how we don't need more Muslims in this country and equating electing Ellison to supporting illegal immigration.

Representative Ellison has refused to call Goode a bigot. He has even gone as far as to say he looks forward to meeting Goode and he hopes Goode would take the time to learn about the Muslim religion. Ellison wants to find some common ground.

What a stand up guy. He's right. We need to find common ground.

And, what does Goode have to say?

"I wish more people would take a stand and stand up for the principles on which this country was founded."

Excuse me? Our country was founded on the principles that we would have the freedom of religion. Representative Goode, you are not standing up for the principles on which our country stands. You are standing upon the hollow ground of those who are scared -- scared of people of a different religion, scared of those of a different race, scared of those of a different sexual orientation.

America, my America, is a melting pot of races, backgrounds and religions. America has the best of all countries because we strive for togetherness and tolerance.

I so hope, Representative Goode, that in the spirit of giving, especially in this season of Advent, that you can see your way clear to meeting with Representative Ellison. As Sam Hutson once said, "A Nation divided against itself cannot stand." We need to unite our country as we never have before. We are fighting a Civil War without firing a shot and we certainly cannot have Representatives slinging arrows before they even meet.

I give credit to Representative Ellison for not lowering himself to the name calling that no one would blame him for if he did. I beg Representative Goode to take a step back and do the same.

MerryChristmas & God Bless!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bible Quiz

How much do you know about Bible stories?


you got every question right

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

I wonder if that's what Cheryl thinks...

What does your driving style say about your sexual habits??

Taxi Driver

You stay on the road, always use your turning signals, and talk sweetly to your car when it starts to act up. You're more than likely toting around children throughout your day, or at least playing taxi to a few friends. Maybe it's time you spent more time on yourself! In the bedroom, you focus so much on your partner, you forget the best sex is meant for two! Other obligations are often running through your head while in the bedroom. Don't be afraid to shut out your daily obligations to really enjoy yourself. I bet you're a really devote person, and your partner loves that about you.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.


Which chocolate treat are you?

Chocolates with various fillings

You can enjoy all sorts of unique tastes rather than be stuck on one favorite. Some of your tastes may be better liked than others, but you know it's all subjective.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I wasn't going to say anything...

But what in the H E double hockey sticks is wrong with Republican Rep. Virgil Goode? Who in the world does he think he is? I don't really give a rat's butt if a representative is sworn into congress holding a Bible or the Qu'ran. Big whoop! However; Representative Goode seems to think that Muslim lawmakers are somehow responsible for our illegal immigration issues. I'd like to know how since the first Muslim representative was just elected.

Goode is racist and he's the worst kind of racist, as he is a man of power and he doesn't see just how wrong he is...

He said (and I'm quoting from the CNN article):

"I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped."

Really? And, just what are our values and beliefs that are traditional to the US? I seem to recall that slavery used to be a tradition and value we held. Jim Crow laws were a tradition and value that we held. Being against interracial marriages was a tradition and value. Are those the traditions and values to which we will hold? Isn't religious freedom a tradition and value we hold in this country? I thought it was.

But, apparently, Representative Goode, along with many of his Republican buddies, have forgotten that 1) this country was built by immigrants and 2) Religious freedom was the whole reason the pilgrims landed here in the first place.

Added note: Goode mentions that we will have more Muslims if we do not stem immigration, but what he failed to note is that Representative Ellison is a convert to Islam and NOT a Muslim immigrant. Just wanted to point that out.

God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Some Days...

Some days, I just don't care about politics or celebrities or work. Sometimes, I just wonder what the world would be like when you go out at twenty years old and have a good time -- better than you probably should -- if someone didn't send your butt to rehab.

And, let's talk about rehab. Why is it all of a sudden you do something embarrassing or illegal or unethical and you go into rehab? Are all the world's troubles because someone can't control his or her drinking? Does this make sense to you? It doesn't make sense to me.

And, let's not get upset when someone says, "Happy Holidays." You know my response, "Merry Christmas." I smile and I don't get upset. I don't take it as an attack on Christianity. I take it as the person either doesn't celebrate Christmas or they like saying "Happy Holidays."

And, for the record, the Christmas tree is NOT a symbol of Christ's everlasting life. The lights are NOT a symbol that Jesus brought light into the world. A Christmas tree is a pagan symbol used to celebrate the winter solstice. Christians used said symbol in order to hide themselves and celebrate Christ's birth without drawing attention. Know why there's (or there will be as soon as I put it up) a Christmas tree in my living room. I don't do it for Christ. I do it to recognize all those Christians that came before me. Those men and women who had to hide their faith, had to hide their belief in God and Jesus. I put it up to honor those who have fallen for their faith and their beliefs. Because if those Christians didn't do all of that, I couldn't attend mass without fear. I would still have to hide my cross around my neck.

So, God bless those who came before me. The ones who practiced their faith in secrecy, so I can practice in the open.

God bless the men and women who have served our country in good times and bad. And, God bless those who are still serving, whether overseas or here at home. Thank you for protecting me, so that I may write this blog without fear that my or another government will hunt me down.

God bless my many readers who have left comments or sent emails throughout the year, especially those with whom I've disagreed because through disagreement we can, hopefully, find middle ground. And, God bless your love ones, no matter who they may be.

God bless my grandsons, children, wife and extended family, because all of them make my days more special and full of life.

So, as Tiny Tim -- that wise child once said, "God bless us, everyone".

M e r r y C h r i s t m a s !

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Senator Brownback is a self-servicing jerk

Judge Neff apparently attended a lesbian marriage ceremony in 2002. Senator Brownback, who wants the Republicans to vote for him in 2008, is making an issue of this. Now, I don't know who's wedding she attended, but it is none of the bad Senator's business. Nor, is it ours. He wants her to promise to not rule on any same sex marriage cases that might come before her. What kind of crapola is that?

Look, if we're going to bring this issue to the forefront, than I want anyone who is personally against gay marriage to not be allowed to rule on it. Fair is fair. If a judge has made a public statement against gay marriage he or she should not be allowed to make a ruling...

Except, I believe that our judges in this country are better than that. I believe that a judge can make an impartial and constitutional ruling on anything based solely on the facts of the case. I'm going to ignore that Senator Brownnose isn't smart enough to realize that our constitution actually supports gay marriage and concentrate on judges.

Some judges have to throw out evidence that places a murderer or a rapist back on the streets. I'm sure that judge doesn't not personally believe a murderer or rapist belongs on the streets because of a technicality. What a judge does (and if they don't, they should) do is weigh whether or not the case has merit, the cops did their jobs and nothing more.

I believe -- and maybe I'm naive -- that judges can interrupt the law not in their best interests, but in the best interest for the greater good.

This is the United States of America and while I believe we're the greatest (although not perfect) country on this planet, I also believe that we have the greatest judges.

It's too bad that our self-serving Senators don't believe that.

God Bless

Monday, December 18, 2006

What's up...

My cousin, Peggy (Hi, Peggy), sent me an email wanting to know why I hadn't posted in two weeks. Well, it's been a busy two weeks and I thought that I would share with you:

I finished my finals and a 15 page paper, so now I'm a college graduate. I had to put the blog on hold for school and Christmas as here it is less than 10 days away and our tree still isn't up and I haven't had time to send one card!

Further, my brothers and I planned an anniversary party for my parents. It was their 40th. All I can say is that it went well and I can't believe all that planning and work was over in such a short time.

The boys were here for the last half of November and the first part of December. I love when they come to visit. I've discovered that the more active they are, the less pictures I take. They came to the anniversary party and guess what moron forgot to take pictures of them in their cute little outfits! (Yeah, me, I was busy)

Cheryl and I went to her Christmas party at work and I met Chris Gardner. The man is awesome and I terrific speaker. Can't wait to start reading his book.

Anyway, that's where I've been!

God Bless!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Robert Altman died a couple of weeks ago and I was bummed. I liked his movies and I was a big fan. I had hoped that the new heart would mean that he would really have forty more years, like he said at the Oscars.

Poor Lindsay Lohan, who is having enough problems right now, writes a condolence email and suddenly the whole world is picking on her for her lack of grammar skills.

Can we just leave her alone? Have we really gotten so nuts in this country that a poorly written condolence email is the talk of the town? Don't we have more important things to discuss?

I guess not.

God Bless

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Something Cool...

Yeah, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. There's never enough time in the day nor enough money in the bank. We all work too hard for what we earn, but once in a while, something cool happens and you forget all that crap and remember what life is truly about.

So, that's what I want to pass on to you today.

On Sunday, the kids returned from visiting Kim's dad and we took them to lunch. Dustin had to return to work and Kim and Cheryl wanted to do some shopping, so that left da boys and me all alone! Cool Beans, as a co-worker of mine said.

Dustin had put Danny in his carseat and I still had Alex in my arms. Well, Alex is turning his head every which way and then he spots Cheryl on the other side of the parking lot. "GRANDMA!!!" he yells, clear as a bell and loud. He yells it again and she waves at us and I put Alex in his car seat.

I get in the truck and put the key in the ignition and put on my seat belt. From the backseat, I hear Alex say, "Go Grandma, Go. Go Go, Grandma!"

Apparently, Alex is going to be a backseat driver like his grandma and great-grandma before him.

Isn't that cool? He called me Grandma -- even if it was during an order -- he clearly said Grandma!

God Bless

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rosie O'Donnell VS Ann Coulter...

My younger brother announced last Wednesday that he doesn't like Rosie O'Donnell. I asked him why and he said because she's a loud mouth bitch (Rosie, if you're reading, don't think it personally, he says the samething about me). I thought at the time, you like Ann Coulter and she's a loud mouth bitch, so what's the difference?

Then, a co-worker of mine stated he doesn't like Rosie O'Donnell because it is her way or the highway. So, I asked him about Ann Coulter and he said he didn't have an opinion on her.


Here's my point:

Rosie and Ann both have very pushy personalities (so do I for the matter). Where they differ is politics. Both my brother and co-worker are right wing people. They lean toward Ann's views, hence, they like her.

But, what has Ann done for the world? Besides spouting incorrect information about the world?

Answer: Nothing. I have never, ever heard Ann Coulter lending her name to a charity. Not once. Maybe she gives in her personal life, but based on the crap she says, I seriously doubt it.

Let's look at Rosie.

She appeared just recently in Las Vegas for Comic Relief. She has created a foundation to raise money for children. She supports probably the greatest children's hospital -- St. Jude's.

So, this is really a post for my brother and co-worker -- take another look at Rosie. At least she puts her money where her mouth is and supports that which she expects us to support.

Ann Coulter only supports herself.

God Bless

Monday, November 27, 2006

Am I alone?

Do you ever wonder if you're all alone? I don't mean alone like without someone in your life. I mean alone in your views.

Am I the only one who is tired of hearing about how much benefits cost companies and how they need to cut their losses? Who do they think does all the work? Certainly not the fat cats in the upper management offices. The ones with the high price salaries and golden parachutes.

When will companies cut a little bit out of their profits to care about their employees?

Probably never.

And, that's when I think, am I the only one who feels this way?

God Bless

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why don't you just get married?

I don't claim to know what is best for someone else's life, but since I can't get married in any state but one -- and I'm not moving -- why are you straight people getting married?

A new report that is out claims that the out of wedlock births in 2005 jumped to 4 out 10 are out of wedlock births. And, the report states, that the teen pregnancy is actually dropping. These aren't mothers who got pregnant in the backseat of their boyfriend's father's car. These are mothers who knew what they were doing and have chosen not to marry the fathers.

But why?

If he's good enough to have a child with -- why isn't he good enough to marry?

And, why aren't those so-called family groups standing up to do something about this?

Lord only knows.

God Bless

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Operation Save America

Operation Save America will be boycotting and protesting at Wal-Mart stores because Wal-Mart refuses to discriminate against gays and lesbians.

Why? Why do they think they have some God-given right to "save" America? And, from whom are they saving America?

From the men and women who pay the higher taxes because they can't get married and file married tax returns?

From the hardworking people who put food on the table for their families?

From the millions of churchgoing gay and lesbian Christians who pray to God everyday for the souls of those who have been misled by hatred and fear?

From the ones to whom Jesus himself referred when He said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake." (Luke 6:22)?

Yeah, those are the ones that Operation Save America wants to "save America" from.

But, what about the big businesses that pollute our soil?

Or, the factories that do not pay a living wage?

Or, better yet, why aren't they boycotting Wal-Mart because of the financial drain it places on our state's (and in turn, country's) economy because its employees do not have healthcare?

Where were the self-righteous groups such as Operation Save America and the American Family Association when the rest of us were boycotting Wal-Mart?

And, one last question, the average Wal-Mart shopper isn't college graduated. Go on any day and you won't see the part of society that is driving a Lexus to work. Wal-Mart's prices are so low that many of the families who shop there really can't afford to go somewhere else. The flip side to this is that these are the same families who are counted among Operation Save America and the American Family Association's members. They really should've kept that in mind before they called for a boycott of a store at which the majority of their members shop. They won't get far with this boycott.

People only care about "morals" when it doesn't affect their wallet.

God Bless

Friday, November 17, 2006

Some People Just Like to Cause Trouble...

A couple of days ago, the Racine Journal Times (click link) ran a story with a headline that said, "A Fair Jury?" This is in reference to the only news story here in Racine, the trial of Adrial White. The idea behind this is that because the jury panel was mostly white, race had something to do with the guilty verdict.


You shoot a kid in the back and the reason you're guilty is because you're black and the jury is white?

In this case, I don't buy it. A jury of Mr. White's black peers would've found him guilty -- black or white, no one believes you're defending yourself when your attacker is running away from you.

Which brings me to my headline about some people just like to cause trouble.

There's a race problem in this country and we don't always get along, but a headline like this is only printed to start a fire where none exists. Some people just don't like it if everything runs smoothly. So, they have cause trouble. Some people just aren't happy unless everyone around them is fighting.

Then, they're happy.

So, when someone makes a comment that is designed to make you think one way or another, take a look at their agenda.

God Bless

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

White is found Guilty on all counts...

So, no matter where you stand on concealed carry or having the ability to defend yourself and property, shooting a young man in the back is considered murder.

As it should be.

God Bless

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The World's Shortest Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy, "Will you marry me?" The guy answered, "No."

And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, stayed skinny and was never farted on.

(In case you're wondering, a male coworker gave this to me.)

Also, I'm sitting here just stunned that the amendment passed. I never thought my great state would deny rights to people.

God Bless

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I love my state

I love the great state of Wisconsin, which is why I got up this am and walked the two blocks to the polling place and voted.

Here's my suggestion for you: If you love your state, make sure you go and vote today. I don't know if you and I agree on politics, but I'm sure that we can agree that American is the best country on earth and we should do everything in our power to keep her safe. One way to do that is to vote.

If you're in Wisconsin, don't forget to vote no on the amendment -- removing the chance of civil rights from a group of people is unAmerican.

God Bless.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Child's Play

I am nearly positive that all of you all ready know just what Child's Play is all about. But, for those who don't, here's what the website says:

"With the help of hospital staff, we’ve set up gift wish lists full of video games, toys, and movies. You can go to each hospital’s list and buy a toy, and that toy will be sent to the hospital. Some of these kids are in pretty bad shape. Imagine being stuck alone in a hospital over the holidays, getting something from a fellow gamer would really raise their spirits. Some of the stuff the hospital will give away for kids to keep, while other gifts (like consoles) will be kept by the hospital for patients to use throughout the year."
The gifts shouldn't be gift wrapped. Any other questions should be checked out here.

Not to toot my own horn, but I donated last year. I try to give to a lot of charities, especially at this time of the year, but this year -- due to the fact I'm broke -- I'm going to have to cut back on the money I give. BUT, Child's Play is the one charity I'm keeping on my list. I'm sure there are others out there in the same financial spot as me, but try to give something. Even $15.00 can be used to buy a gift for a child. They raised over $600,000 for children last year. Let's help them make it to a cool million this year!

Also, I'll be placing a banner for Child's Play and leaving it there (and on my other websites) until after Christmas.

God Bless

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Doogie Howser is Gay?

I'm not going to lie and say that I'm surprised that Neil Patrick Harris is gay. I'm actually more surprised that the guy who played Jack on "Will and Grace" isn't.

I give him a lot of credit for coming out now. I believe he's playing a womanizer on "How I Met Your Mother", so this is an interesting twist. I don't watch the show, but I hope people who do continue to do so. You never know what a coming out revelation can do.

So, good for you, Mr. Harris, for coming out, especially when the nation has nothing better to do than turn against gays and lesbians. It takes a lot of courage to come out now.

God Bless

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Don't Forget to Vote...

I don't know how you could possibly forget to vote, but get out there and vote. Less than 40% of the eligible adults in this country vote. That means that the decisions being made are being made by the people elected by a minority of people. Do you really want someone else to decide?

My younger brother and I argue about politics all the time. The major difference between the two of us is that I vote and he doesn't. My father has always said, "If you don't vote, you can't complain." I firmly believe that. I know quite a few people who didn't like the way the country was headed under Clinton, but they didn't vote. I know people who don't like the way the country is heading under Bush, but they won't be voting on Tuesday.

They should be.

Everyone should get out and vote.

Don't sit home on Tuesday and if you do, you can't complain on Wednesday.

God Bless

Friday, November 03, 2006

Don't Blame Me for Your Failed Marriage...

Right now, one out of every two marriages end in divorce. At this very minute, someone in this country is filing for divorce and the only happy people are the divorce lawyers.

Right now on the ballot is a vote for an amendment to forever ban gay marriages (and civil unions) in Wisconsin. The main argument is that gay marriage will destroy straight marriages.

Really? I think you straight people are perfectly capable of destroying marriage all by yourselves. Now, what I'm about to say may upset some people, but I want you to know right up front that I'm not referring in anyway to marriages that end because of abuse. Those marriages should end.

No, what I want to discuss is how everybody wants a wedding and no one thinks about the marriage that comes with it.

Sure, guys, it's easy to get down on one knee, look into the eyes of the girl you love and say, "Will You Marry Me?" But, it's much harder to hold it all together when you haven't had any sleep and she says, "Honey, take out the garbage."

And, ladies, it is really easy to fall into Prince Charming's arms and answer, "Yes, I'll marry you". But, take a good look at his father, because that's who that guy is going to be in a few years. If his dad always takes out the garbage, so will Prince Charming.

It gets even harder when the kids come and the money's tight and he snores or she snores and you wake up one day and go, "Who the Hell is this person in my bed?" It takes work. Some days are good and some days are bad. Some days, you'll hate him and some days, you can't stand the nag she's become, but man, on those days, try to remember why you got married in the first place. Look into her eyes and remember how the fact she hates football used to be so cute.

And, on Tuesday, when you're casting your ballot, ask yourself this question: "If I vote no and gays are eventually allowed to marry, will this ruin my marriage?"

Then, vote no on the amendment.

God Bless

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ann Coulter -- Voter Fraud?

Well, well, well. What a tangled web we weave when at first we deceive.

Apparently, my buddy and yours, Ms. Ann "I'm better than you" Coulter is in a spot of trouble for voting in the wrong precinct in Florida. Hmmm, she isn't cooperating with authorities in the investigation. I wonder why not. If it was an honest mistake, you and I would say, "Hey, I went to the wrong place?"

But, alas, Ms Coulter -- who holds herself in higher regards than us mere mortals -- isn't responding to requests, according to CNN.

When I was a kid, my mom always said to me that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Ms Coulter throws stones all the time.
She's throw some at any liberal within striking distance and she's even thrown them at widows of 9/11 (although only at the widows with whom she disagrees politically). So, I think she whom declared liberals as godless should be held to a much higher standard than us mere mortals.

And she isn't holding up her end of the bargain.

God Bless!

PS. But, you know, I'm a capitalist at heart...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

And some people think I'd be a bad mom!

According to a CNN Article, Agla Nadia Vincent duck taped her two boys together "while she went to work".  What in the world could this woman be thinking?  Also, this is just another example of why straight people should have to get licenses to procreate.  You need one to drive a car, but these irresponsible people continue on their way.  Further, not one person has ever been able to find a case of a gay person abusing their children!

God Bless those little guys -- with a mom like that -- they're going to need it!

More Pictures of da boys...

Lynne Cheney's Dirty Lesbian Novel

So, according to a CNN article I read yesterday, Lynne Cheney wrote a lesbian novel called "Sisters". Also according to CNN, the book is out of print and Mrs. Cheney asked the publisher not to reissue it during the 2004 Presidential campaign.

So, I'm just sitting here wondering, what's the big deal? Why wouldn't they want the book reissued. I'll bet, since right now on Amazon it is selling for $625.00, it would be selling like hotcakes. Mrs. Cheney could be making a fortune on it.

But, maybe, they don't need the money.

Maybe, they don't want the book to come out because they ran on the Holier than thou ticket.

Which brings me to Foley...

I was thinking the other day of why I'm so mad at the Republicans for protecting their precious Congressional seat and here's why:

They claim to be the moral compass of our nation. See, I expect a Democrat to have some sexual skeleton in his closet, afterall, Democrats don't stand up and proclaim a moral superiority. But, Republicans do. And, just as I wouldn't expect a Christian to rob a bank, I hold Republicans to a higher moral code. And, this is why I'm still mad at the Republicans. I expect more out of them.

Remember when being a Republican meant controlling government spending?

Remember when being a Republican meant championing for individual rights?

Remember when being a Republican meant small government?

Remember when being a Republican meant little or no government interference in your life?

Can you remember that far back?

Now, being a Republican means that you vote for an amendment that will guarantee rights to be denied to our citizens.

Being a Republican means that you try to legislate morals.

Being a Republican means that you don't limit government spending.

Being a Republican means that you support spying on US citizens without a warrant.

Being a Republican means that you call anyone who disagrees with your views on the country a traitor.

And, being a Republican means that you hide your sinning past so it doesn't interfer with your new holier than thou public image.

Isn't that a shame?

God Bless

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monster Worldwide's Troubles

Well isn't this peachy...

Monster Worldwide's stock has been up and down throughout this year. 

First, they're being investigated due to the stock option grant review.  (Backdating stock options)

Then, as of September 1, they recently sold off their last TMP Worldwide holdings for a loss. 

On Oct. 9th, Andrew J. McKelvey, the founder of TMP Worldwide (not Monster, as has been reported) resigns as CEO and President because he McKelvey said "he can't dedicate the number of hours required by the 'additional demands of time associated with the ongoing historical stock option grant review.'" (find quote here)
Then it has been reported that McKelvey has resigned from the Monster's Board "after refusing to be interviewed for the company's internal stock option investigation."

Well, isn't that just peachy.  Due to the investigation, I couldn't sell off any of my Monster stock, so I'm stuck with a 401k that is 37% Monster stock!  Won't that be great when I want to retire? 

I was mad when I found out Monster had sold off the division for whom I worked, but now, I'm glad I'm not a Monster employee!  I just wish I hadn't put so many eggs in the Monster Worldwide basket!

God Bless

Monday, October 30, 2006

Just Say No To Casinos...

Has anyone really stopped to take a look at what happens at a casino? People go in, put their money in a slot machine or down on a table and the casino takes it. Sure, they give some of it back via winnings, but for the most part, the house wins.

Plus, while I know that most people can control their gambling, some can't. A co-worker of mine told me about how his aunt eventually lost her house because of her habit.

Is the casino to blame? No, no more than the alcohol companies are to blame for drunks and bars are to blame for drunk drivers. It's a free country and if you want to ruin your life with gambling, well, you should be allowed to do so.

But why does Kenosha want to encourage this behavior?

Dollar signs. The whole world comes down to greed. Rather that come up with some other way to use the land at the dog track, the first thought is "Hey, let's build a casino!" No one in Kenosha would consider building a crack house to earn money, but to some people, that's exactly what a casino is.

But, hey, who cares? As long as the state has their handout, the county and city get their cut, let's build a casino!

An alternative would be to build something the whole family could enjoy, such as a waterpark or an amusement park such as Green Bay has with Bay Beach. But, no, let's build a casino!

Typical when business is being conducted by someone who saids "If you're coming into Kenosha, you have to know who would have the baseball bat - and I know how to use the baseball bat."

God Bless

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Milwaukee Public Museum with Da Boys

Can there possibly be anything better than taking a little guy to the public museum to go trick or treating?

Yeah, taking two little guys!

Last night, the museum held one of its members only nights. We went -- Cheryl, Kim, Danny, Alex and I. Along for the ride was my boss, Carmen, and her three kids -- Emily, Greg and Eric. (Greg and Eric are 7 year old twins.)

Carmen, her kids and I went to see Aliens of the Deep at the Imax. That was so cool and I highly recommend it. Kim, Cheryl and da boys met up with us afterward. The boys are too small to attend movies. Maybe next year.

I wish I had taken a picture of Carmen and her kids, as I had wanted to, but as we struck out one big happy "family" of nine, we soon discovered that the kids had different ideas in mind. Carmen's kids were much faster at looking at the exhibits and the boys meandered here and there. So, we did split up and, alas, I didn't get a picture of all of them.
I did get a couple of Danny with Carmen

He wasn't quite sure what to make of her!

I had, also, wanted to get one of the five kids sans adults, but I didn't manage that one, either. I did get one of Alex (face turned of course) and Emily. So, at least I got a shot of one of Carmen's kids! Oh well, there's always next year and maybe da boys will be able to keep up with the older ones.

The boys really liked all the exhibits.

As a matter of fact, Danny especially got into them.

Suffice it to say, a good time was had by all!

We're taking them trick or treating on Sunday -- so watch for more pictures!

God Bless!

Friday, October 27, 2006

What did he say?

I'm not going to say that Cheney advocates Water Boarding (see CNN article), but what exactly was said? And, who did he say it to? Aren't we jumping the gun a bit? Just a little bit? The first I see of this supposed quote advocating a torture technique is the above mentioned CNN article, but I'm not sure just what Cheney said.

Why is the White House on the defensive and the media not giving us a complete transcript?

God Bless

Gas Prices

Can someone explain to me how gas can be $2.15 per gallon on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning rise to $2.25? I just don't get it. Is demand really that high on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday? Or, is that just some myth that we use more gas, so they have to raise prices. I get supply and demand, I took economics, but gas isn't the same. Case in point, if demand is high for an HDTV, the store can charge premium price for it because he only has so many to sell. I just wouldn't buy the TV while prices are high. But, gas, I don't have a choice. I need gas to get to work, the store, church, etc.

Well, I'm just complaining, as I filled up on Tuesday and didn't have to pay the $2.25. I do have a new strategy for gas purchasing. When I see a low price, I fill up. That way I can usually ride out the weekend's premium price.

But that's just me.

God Bless

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The 700 mile Border Fence

Truth be told, I'm not sure if I support a 700 mile fence along the US - Mexican border. On one hand, I think it is a needless expense. On the other hand, the economy could use the jobs it would create.

But, I do know this, I don't support Bush signing a law authorizing the fence, but no authorizing the money. Just how much is this fence going to cost us? According to CNN, "
The act provides no funding mechanism for the fence, though a $1.2 billion appropriation was approved as part of a bill the president signed this month. There are no concrete numbers, but estimates suggest the fence would cost twice that amount. The earlier bill, however, stipulates that the $1.2 billion could be used for a fence, lighting, vehicle barriers and high-tech equipment." So, could this fence really cost us $2.4 billion? And, who's going to pay for that? Will we cut federal school money to pay for it? How are the owners' of the property the fence cuts through going to be compensated?

Did anyone really think about this?

How do the border guards feel? They're the ones that'll end up maintaining/watching over it?

Will these questions ever be answered?

Stay tuned. :-)

God Bless


Senator: Kohl. No reason other than I just like the man.

Governor: Doyle. He inherited a state that was massively in debt, even after those good years in the 90s, and he's been handling it well. He's stood up and vetoed the bills that needed to be vetoed (remember concealed carry?). Mark Green has been in Washington way to long to be a good governor for our state.

State Senator: Lehman. 1) Lehman's is a good representative. He response to his constituents. Case in point, I sent out identical emails to him and Cathy Stepp regarding people being denied home owner's insurance because of their breed of dog. The response from Stepp was thanks for your letter, I haven't heard of this happening. Have a good day. Lehman sent a reply that said, I've never heard of this, let me research it. I'll get back to you. And he did! He wrote a bill that then was killed in the Insurance committee, but he tried. 2) All McReynolds has done for Racine is a $19 million dollar jail and cut the budgets for the Racine Museum and the zoo. Gee thanks a lot for nothing. Oh, he did sell the county sheriff's department bumpers for their cars.

Congressman: Ryan. I don't always agree with Paul Ryan, I really don't. If I write him a letter about how I think things ought to be, he usually replies that he's still voting for or against an issue. But, anytime I've ever contacted him for anything, I've received a reply within weeks. And, everytime I wanted information about a subject, he sent it. I wanted the Army of Engineers report about the levees in New Orleans, two weeks later, I had it. Maybe, he and I don't see eye to eye about some of the issues -- we do agree once in a while, but those are the times I don't write him -- but Paul Ryan is good at what we pay him to do. He informs his constituents about issues, he holds listening sessions. He's a good guy.

One last thing I'd like to point out. I've seen the ads being run about how Doyle didn't do anything and Honda built their plant somewhere else. Lehman voted against the job creation bill and Honda build their plant somewhere else. What these misleading commercials haven't told you is that Honda never wanted to build their plant in Wisconsin. We weren't even on the short list. But you won't see that ad, will you? Oh and the Job Creation Bill passed and was signed into law by Governor Doyle and Honda still built their plant somewhere else. And, the "Job Creation Act" hasn't created one job.

God Bless

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tell Me Something I Don't Know...

CNN has a quiz where if you answer the questions, you get to find out just where you stand politically. So, for fun, I took the quiz, but really, I didn't learn anything except that in today's society, you're on the left if you're against the War in Iraq, but on the right if you oppose gay marriage.

The only questions on the quiz were basically about the War in Iraq, gay marriage, abortion and estate taxes (yes, I've left out a couple). But, I wonder are these really the only topics that determine where you stand?

I took a political science/speech class once where we had to take a 100 question quiz in order to determine where we stood politically. Then, our class was broken down by our answers. Much to my then Republican beliefs, I ended up on the left of center of the classroom. The questions covered a lot of topics and I really wish I had that test today.

Later in life, I took another test that placed me firmly in the Libertarian camp.

Now, I take this test on CNN and I'm back in the left of middle section.

I've just blabbed a lot because I'm just wondering out loud (and off the top of my head) what has happened to politics in this country and to us as citizens of the greatest country on earth? Have we really been reduced to just a few questions? Isn't there more to life?

God Bless

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Unions -- Some of the Positives

This week's Human Resource Management class assignment is to find an article that deals with a subject we're currently studying and write a small summary on it. Well, surfing the net, I found an article on the Economic Policy Institutes's website about Unions. I thought it might be of interest and I thought I'd pass along some of the information I learned. The article was written in August of 2003.

Did you know:

• Unions raise wages of unionized workers by roughly 20% and raise compensation, including both wages and benefits, by about 28%.

• Unions reduce wage inequality because they raise wages more for low- and middle-wage workers than for higher-wage workers, more for blue-collar than for white-collar workers, and more for workers who do not have a college degree.

• Strong unions set a pay standard that nonunion employers follow. For example, a high school graduate whose workplace is not unionized but whose industry is 25% unionized is paid 5% more than similar workers in less unionized industries.

• The impact of unions on total nonunion wages is almost as large as the impact on total union wages.

• The most sweeping advantage for unionized workers is in fringe benefits. Unionized workers are more likely than their non unionized counterparts to receive paid leave, are approximately 18% to 28% more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, and are 23% to 54% more likely to be in employer-provided pension plans.

• Unionized workers receive more generous health benefits than non unionized workers. They also pay 18% lower health care deductibles and a smaller share of the costs for family coverage. In retirement, unionized workers are 24% more likely to be covered by health insurance paid for by their employer.

• Unionized workers receive better pension plans. Not only are they more likely to have a guaranteed benefit in retirement, their employers contribute 28% more toward pensions.

• Unionized workers receive 26% more vacation time and 14% more total paid leave (vacations and holidays).

Since unions seem to get a bad rap these days, I thought I'd pass along just some of the positives.

God Bless

Monday, October 23, 2006

William D. Perez

I saw the headline on The Wall Street Journal and I had to stop and read it. Could it really be the same Perez who worked for SC Johnson and spent 8 years as the CEO?

And, well, it is. How nice for him. He's taking over the reigns at Wrigley when their stock is in a slump, but maybe he can turn it around for them. I wonder if this would be a good time to buy some Wrigley stock?

Quite a few years ago, Mr. Perez and I disagreed because of a statement he made to the Racine Journal Times. I'm not going to go into the whole discussion, but after I wrote a letter to the Racine Journal Times, Mr. Perez sent me a letter re-explaining his position. While I don't remember if it changed my mind or not, it did impress me that he would go out of his way to send a letter to someone who disagreed with him. Since that time, I've silently cheered him on.

So, kudos to you, Mr. Perez. I hope you do a terrific job with Wrigley.

God Bless

OLD NEWS: MGM Mirage not building Casino in Kenosha

This is old news, but a little relavant especially since I am still receiving comments on the Kenosha casino blog I wrote way back in July. I still stand behind that blog, by the way. Kenosha doesn't need a casino. Kenosha needs to be courting Chrysler to build it's proposed engine plant I've heard rumors about.

Apparently, the MGM Mirage Casino in Las Vegas was in talks with the Menominee tribe to bring a MGM casino here. But, the Menominee tribe was insistent that Dennis Troha be involved and the MGM people said no.

Wonder why?

Actually, they said it was because they needed no more partners, but the Menominee tribe insisted that Troha's political clout was needed and that was the end of talks with MGM. Real shame, as the MGM Mirage people really know how to run a casino, afterall they run 15 of them worldwide.

So, if Troha had done the right thing and walked away, would Kenosha have a casino? I don't know. Doyle seems to pretty much squash that bug by selling "the Potawatomi a gaming monopoly covering a 50-mile radius from its Milwaukee casino", which really makes all this casino talk pretty much moot.

Also, from what I can tell the bills in both the House and the Senate that would limit off-reservation gambling look stalled, unless I just didn't find the article that said they passed. Somehow, even with bipartisan support, Congress can't pass the bills, but I'm still researching this, as I can't find an article that includes the number of the bills.

In any case, I'm still against a casino in Kenosha. But, why don't we take that dog track land and build a water park and a small amusement park? Why let Gurnee have all the fun? Plus, that would provide entertainment the entire family could enjoy. Green Bay has a little park with small rides and a wading pool and on the day we were there, it was packed with people. (I think it's called Bay Beach.) I'm sure Kenosha could do something like that.

But, that'll never happen because some moron would probably stand in the way of good, clean fun and prevent it from happening.

God Bless

PS. I'd like to offer a special blessing to my new pal who writes anonymous comments attacking me and my weight, because obviously he isn't smart enough or have enough confidence in himself to make an educated comment without being mean spirited. Nor, since he keeps insisting that I'm unemployed, uneducated and uninsured, is he someone who even knows anything about me. So, let's all ask God to watch over him, because I'm sure he needs special care.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Madonna adoption

Frankly, I don't care one way or another what Madonna does. I don't buy her CDs, I've only seen a couple of her movies and I'm not a Material Girl...


No one in Malawi was going to adopt this boy, David Banda. No one was coming for him. His mother is dead and his father can't afford to feed him. The orphanage can barely afford to clothe and feed all the children in this poor country. Madonna didn't jump in line and push a Malawi citizen out of her way. She didn't take advantage of her celebritiy to deny a Malawi citizen the right to adobt David.

What she did do was make a connection with a child and offer him a place where he can lay his head, be clothed, fed and cared for. She did what Jesus told us to do -- clothe the naked, feed the hungry.

And what does she get for it?

The so-called Human Rights groups all over her for the adoption.

What in God's good name is wrong with these people? This child will grow up with not one, but two parents (Madonna is married). AND, David now has one brother and one sister, as Madonna and her husband, Guy Richie, have two children. He's gaining a ready-made family.

David's father is thrilled that his son will be taken care of by Madonna, so the rest of us need to butt out.

Frankly, I could give a rat's ass about a law prohibiting Malawi's orphaned and unwanted children to be adopted by foreigners. Just who in the holy hell do they think can take better care of this child? Certainly no one in Malawi. They can't afford to.

I am singing Madonna's praises for her actions. She'll give this child a good life. And, maybe, when David grows up, he'll be able to return the favor for another poor and unfortunate child.

God Bless

Monday, October 16, 2006

Removed Comment

I have never before removed a comment from my blog, but this one went too far and I won't be called trailer trash by someone who doesn't have enough guts to be anything but anonymous. The post that was removed said the following:

"I'm surprised you don't support a local casino because they usually have buffets and I'm sure you wouldn't mind the "all-you-can-eat" fare. Why is all the compaining always coming from trailer trash who criticize, but don't do anything themselves to make improvements in the community?"

I guess I should be happy that the jerk who posted it could at least spell all the words right.

If you want to post on my blog and say you don't agree with me, fine, I don't care, but you're not sticking around if you're going to attack me personally. You have no idea what I do or don't do for my community. You have no idea what I spend my life doing, so don't make judgements about me.

But, since you didn't leave your name, then I'm sure I'm not out of line to refer to you as a coward. Plain and simple -- coward.

God Bless you anyway, you'll need it.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why I use Hostek

I use Hostek for all of my web hosting needs -- except I do use Blogger for the blog parts -- but my sites,,, are all hosted using Hostek.


Well, for one thing, the support is out of this world. I have never had an issue that Hostek was not able to resolve. Even when I did have an issue between and Blogger, Hostek never said we don't support blogger, deal with them. They kept at it until we resolved the issue. Their email support -- on weekends, because that seems to be when I'm having problems -- responses within four hours. Either the issue is resolved or they need more information, whatever, they contact me within four hours.

Next, their webhosting prices are very, very reasonable, which is how I can afford to host so many sites. And, if you're a church, the price is even better.

So, why do I mention this?

Well, I had some issues recently and thought I should sing their praises, so everyone can use the best hosting company with which I've ever dealt!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My Favorite Niece...

Caitlen Totsch, my favorite niece, has a cool opportunity to go to Washington D.C. next spring with her class. This is an expensive trip and to help with the costs, the school is planning a fund raiser.

So, if you have some spare cash and want to purchase anything from the below link, that would be great!

God Bless

Monday, October 09, 2006

"Values" Disappear when you have no money

According to a CNN article from today, married women are turning away from the Republican party and George W. Bush. Married women had been drawn to Bush during the 2004 election because they "had a general fondness for the man himself." I can understand that, most of them are probably married to good old boys like Bush and he is a better looking guy than Kerry. Plus, Bush likes his wife and is good to his mom. I'm not saying Kerry doesn't like his wife and isn't good to his mom, but George W. Bush is exceptional in this regard.

But, I digress, as this is not my point.

Tina Wagner, a stay-at-home mom, (most of the interviewees were stay-at-home-moms) stated the she might vote for the Democrat "if they fit my values." I just wonder what those values are?

More money in your pocket? Healthcare for all? A job that pays the bills?

Or, did she mean, no marriage for gays? And, prayer in school? Like praying in school could be stopped. I prayed more in school as a child than I think I do in church as an adult and, yet again, I digress.

Apparently, we only have moral values when the economy doesn't suck. Nobody cared that Clinton was a pig when no one had a job, we voted for the man. But, once the economy was booming, suddenly where he stuck a cigar was big news. Now, the Republicans are feeling the heat. Tax breaks for the upper 1% of the nation, no healthcare for all and a war less than 40% of the nation still reports, they can't afford a mess like Foley.

Because, now, they're losing the women that put them where they are today.

God Bless

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Shameless Plugs...

I know that this is just Oct, but Christmas is really just around the corner. Ever since the birth of my grandsons, I have been aware of the lack of items for parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents who have twins or even triplets in their families. Multiples account for roughly 2% of all births in our great nation and yet, it's hard to find a t-shirt that says I have twins or triplets.

So, I designed some myself and I sell them on CafePress. Money from those sales help keep my blogs free and, since money is tight this year, it'll help pay for some Christmas presents of my own. So, if you have twins or triplets or just know someone who does, please consider some of the below products.

God Bless
All of the Twin items can be found at cafepress/topofmyhead/twins

Friday, October 06, 2006

Bush Supports Hastert

Isn't that nice? President Bush is standing next to House Speaker Dennis Hastert. Nice to know that the leader of the free world is standing beside a man who let a child molester stay in Congress.

The CNN article goes on to say, "House Majority Leader John Boehner, of Ohio, attributed the scandal to partisan dirty tricks and said the uncovering of the messages just weeks before midterm elections 'is concerning, at a minimum.'"

Really? Because Hastert "insisted he learned about the sexually explicit messages last Friday, when they were released."

But, "A former House staffer has said he told Hastert's office before 2005 that there were concerns about Foley."

So, who's at fault? The Democrats because this scandal happened to hit a little more than a month before the mid-term elections or the Republicans for keeping this quite for at least a year?

My guess is that it is the Republicans.

I can't believe the nerve of Hastert, according to the article, "'I'm going to run and presumably win in this election, and when I do I expect to run for speaker,' Hastert told reporters at his district office outside Chicago."

He should be running away with his Republican tail between his legs.

This is the party that spent millions to find out what was on a blue dress and where a cigar had been, but they couldn't make sure that a member of their party didn't send inappropriate emails and IMs to Pages?

And, how dare the Republicans claim this is some ploy from the left to ruin their election -- the left didn't need this to win, the sagging economy and war in Iraq was taking care of that. (Plus, am I the only one who thinks it is odd that suddenly the price of a barrel of oil has dropped right before the mid-term elections? But, that's fodder for another article.)

I have to stop now, because I need to go throw up.

God Bless

Why I won't be voting for any Republican Candidates

Just once, I'd like to vote for a Republican -- just once. I haven't voted for any Republican candidate since the 80's. None of them stand for that in which I believe. And, isn't that a shame? You would think that I would agree with at least one Republican.

I'm not voting for the Republican candidate for Governor, Mark Green, for a couple of reasons. First, he agreed with George W. Bush way too many times and he voted that way. Since the country is faced with stragflation that we haven't seen since the 70's, agreeing with Bush wasn't the right thing to do. Plus, the man has no balls. I haven't seen one news report where he stood up and fought for anything. Add on the fact that according to the AARP 2006 Voters' Guide for Wisconsin Governor, Mark Green has no opinion on a "health care system with a shared approach to funding that provides comprehensive, affordable, quality health care services for all Wisconsinites". Instead of saying Support or Oppose, his statement is as follows:
"Rather than increasing the government’s role in health care, I’ll empower patients with more information so they can work with their physician to make good decisions. I also believe we need to do more to prevent disease and avoid expensive treatments. As governor, I’ll promote and provide incentives for regular check-ups and healthy living choices.

I’ll also take steps to reduce health care costs that have nothing to do with providing health care. A chunk of our health care spending is directly related to frivolous lawsuits. I want your health care dollars going to keep you well, not to line the pockets of well-off trial attorneys.

Finally, I disagree with Governor Doyle’s veto of the increase in Medicaid reimbursements for nursing homes and pharmacists."

That doesn't look like an answer to me. At least not the answer to the question. Just how does he think he'll "empower" patients with more information if they don't have the money or health insurance to actually go to the doctor? If you can't afford a checkup, all the information in the world isn't going to help you. Next, why is it that Republicans only discuss frivolous lawsuits when it comes to healthcare. Why don't they talk about stiffer penalties when doctors are found guilty of malpractice? And, finally, did you know a lot of nursing homes require that you buy your medication through them? This goes for Assisted Living facilities, as well. The price for buying from them can be 1/3 more or even 50% more than if you were allowed to purchase the medications from your own pharmacy. So, tossing more money at them doesn't help the situation.

Okay, enough of Mark Green, let's talk about McReynolds. Don't vote for the man. He's left Racine County trying to figure out how to pay for a 19 million dollar jail AND he cut the funding to both the zoo and the Racine Museum. Now, the funding for the zoo was a drop in the bucket compared to a 19 million dollar jail -- we don't need, by the way -- Plus, our zoo was one of the last 8 free zoos in the nation. And, I'm sure that we get more money for a longer period of time from out of towners visiting the zoo than we'll ever see from the jail. How many people are going to show up to tour the jail? We needed to fund improvements at the zoo to make it an even better place to visit. Have you seen it lately, it's a sad looking place and it could be so much more.

Plus, I'm a little miffed that the Rock County District Attorney, David O'Leary, didn't find any wrong doing in the sale of "bumpers to the Racine County Sheriff's Department while McReynolds was both sheriff and county executive." McReynolds owns 1/3 of Force Engineering, which sold the bumpers. And, there isn't an ethics violation? I really believe that Force Engineering had the best bumpers and the best prices -- yeah, right. Mr. O'Leary is a Republican, McReynolds is a Republican and Michael Nieskes (Racine's own District Attorney) is a Republican. Just how did you think O'Leary would decide whether McReynolds had any ethics violations? He certainly isn't going to say, hey, my fellow Republican is an ethics violator. Afterall, Republicans will let a child molester keep his Congressional seat just so they don't lose it to a Democrat.

Now, I'm running out space and time, so I will just say this:

When you go to vote on November 7, stop and think about what our Republican led State Legistlature did this past year.

They passed and Governor Doyle signed the Job Creation Act and Wisconsin's job market didn't gain one job. Not one from it, so that was a waste of tax payer time.

Next, take a look at the ballot, our Republican led Legistlature has planted the death penalty right there to be voted upon. Excuse me, but since when is this a pressing matter?

Take a look at that wonderful amendment banning gay marriages and civil unions of both the straight and gay kind. Isn't that lovely for our great progressive state? Thank the Republicans!

Finally, isn't it time to give the other side a chance? The Republicans have been in charge long enough and it's time to say Adios, amigos! We'll clean up your mess and take it from here!

God Bless

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hastert -- Won't give up Post

Now the House Ethics Committee has met behind closed doors and said, "Hey, do you think NOW we should investigate Foley for being a prev?"

A little late -- it's like closing the cat door after the dog has come through it!

Oh, I'm so glad that House Speaker Dennis "I'll look the other way while you molest that child" Hastert isn't stepping down. I have NEVER in my life been so proud to say I no longer live in Illinois.

Will it never end?

God Bless

Forcing abortions is sick...

First, let me say again, that anyone forcing anyone else to have an abortion is a sick human being.

That said, I just wonder if the parents would be charged with terrorizing their daughter, if they had kidnapped her to prevent her from having an abortion?

Just a thought, as in this day and age, I'm sure they wouldn't.

God Bless

The So-called Moral Party

You know what is really pissing me off about the Foley scandal. It's not there's another prevert in our midst, I've come to expect that. It's the rare good person in the world I'm surprised to meet.

No, what really gets my goat, is that for the last 12 years, the Republicans have stood up as some moral compass for our country. They've claimed that they are the moral ones and they protected Foley and allowed him to molest children, as if this is okay. Well, he's just one prev in a long line of them, but he's our prev and that's what counts. The Congressional seat was more important than the well being of children.

The entire Republican party needs to be punished for Foley's crimes and the lack of leadership they have shown in the matter.

The moral compass of our nation needs to be leaders who lead, not bobbleheads who just go along for the ride.

God Bless

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

These are in total bad taste...

Okay, tonight I'm sitting here pissed off at the Republicans and some t-shirt ideas come to me. I thought mine were pretty bad, but I saw worse on CafePress, so I'm not the only sick person around.