Top Of My Head

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day

After reading any one of RepublicanVet's posts, you would get the impression that liberals all hate the military and do not appreciate just what our fine military men and women have done, are doing and will do for us. That is a statement which I find very offensive.

I happen to be proud of my ex-Army, served honorably in WWII, grandfather, Charles.

I'm proud of my retired Navy, served honorably in Vietnam, father, Keith.

And, I'm especially proud of my Marine, served in Iraq, son, Brian.

I stand when the National Athem is sung -- even when I'm home and it's before a NASCAR race or a televised football game. (And, I've been known to be so moved, that I cry.) I proudly salute the flag of our great nation, even when I'm mad at my government. I thank Vets that I meet on the street. I donate to Veteran's organizations. I know that I owe them a great debt that can never be repaid.

So, while you're out today, take the time to thank a Vet. They're the reason you can say what you say. They're the reason you can go to church on Sunday without fear of reprocussions. They're the reason that you can read my blog -- whether you agree with it or not.

May God keep our serving men and women close to his heart. And, may He keep those who have served even closer.

God Bless.


Anonymous said...

One of my posts? You failed to refer to which post you were talking about, perhaps because it doesn't exist? perhaps because you'd rather misquote me than to quote me accurately? Perhaps because this waste of bandwidth has no readers, nor comments, nor any type of traffic?

Sniff sniff. Your immaturity was deleted from my blog. Next time you lie to yourself on here, make sure it's not so obvious.

Julie said...

Man, do you think I upset him?

Nice to know he thinks that my website (I can only assume he means my site, but maybe, he just means my blog) is a total waste of bandwidth. :-)

I don't need to quote exactly, because you infer that liberals do not respect, nor support the military in a lot of your blogs.

But, this really wasn't a post to just knock you anyway. It was a post to mention my own pride in this great country that and to remind people to thank a vet for serving.

As always, God Bless.